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I think it could be Barium sulphate if its a powder

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Q: What compound is a light green powder?
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If a light green powder is heated in a test tube A gas is given off while the solid becomes black In which classification of matter does the green powder belong?

The green powder is copper (2) carbonate. When heated it decomposes to give copper (2) oxide (which is black) and carbon dioxide . It is a compound.

How can you tell if a green powder is a compound or mixture?

it has a different smell for a compound and a different color in a mixture

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Generally it's a phosphorous compound.

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Plants absorb more blue and red light from sunlight, and less green light. Chlorophyll is green, because it reflects green light

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Baby Blue, Powder Blue, Light Turquoise, Light Sea Green.

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Chlorophyll is the pigments. They are contained in chloroplasts.

Which word means a green compound that absorbs light?

Chloroplast/ Chlorophyll. Chloroplast is the pigment, Chlorophyll is the actuall chemical that makes it green

What is crystal powder?

A powder of a compound having a crystalline structure.

What compound is a black powder?

Manganese dioxide (MnO2) is a black powder.

Is black powder a compound?


Is coco powder a compound?

No, it is a mixture.