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The clan leaders (daimyos) were the highest class other than the Imperial family.

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Q: What class was highest in Japanese feudalism?
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What highest class in Japanese feudalism?

The clan leaders (daimyos) were the highest class other than the Imperial family.

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How was Japanese feundalism different from European fuendalism?

Feudalism in japan was similar to European feudalism as they both involved the same heirachy and therefore was quite simialr apart from the class definitions.

What is Japanese feudalism?

A feudal system

How was Japanese feudalism similar to European feudalism?

Both the European and Japanese feudal systems developed as a result of a weak central government.

What is the second highest class within japans class system?

The daimyo class was the middle class in the Japanese feudal system. The shoguns were above and the peasants were below.

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Feudalism in western Europe was similar to feudalism in japan that?

A. Power was based on class relationships

Feudalism in western Europe was similar to feudalism in japan in that?

A. Power was based on class relationships

Who held the most power in Japanese feudalism?

Daimyo is the one who held the most power in Japanese feudalism. He took over when the Tokugawa family seized power in Japan.

What was feudalism based on?

Feudalism was based on a hierarchy of needs, where serfs and peasants were at the bottom, and the Pope and highest leaders were at the top.