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they set it up on the Potomac River, where the present capital is, Washington D.C., because Philadelphia was only a temporary capital and the destined capital on the Potomac had to built from scratch.

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Q: What city did the Continental Congress set up government after Philadelphia fell to the British?
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In Which city did the Continental Congress set up government after Philadelphia fell to the British?


When did the continental congress leave Philadelphia?

The Continental Congress left Philadelphia in June 1783 as a result of the end of the American Revolutionary War. The British had evacuated the city, allowing Congress to return to Philadelphia after spending some time in other locations.

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Continental Congress

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The Continental Congress was first introduced on September 5, 1774, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was convened in response to the mounting tensions between the American colonies and the British government, serving as a means to discuss and address grievances before the eventual declaration of independence.

Who met up in September 1774 in Philadelphia due to the unpopular laws and acts of the British king and parliament?

continental congress

What governing body led the colonies during the revolution?

The governing body that led the colonies during the Revolution was the Continental Congress. It met several times to try to fund the Revolution and for several other reason.

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The generic term was Congress which was subsequently used for the legislative body of the US.

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They met to discuss their grievances with the British government.

What was the main reason the colonist assembled for the first continental congress?

They met to discuss their grievances with the British government.

What was the main reason the colonists assembled for the First Continental Congress?

They met to discuss their grievances with the British government.

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second continental congress

Why did the British occupy Philadelphia?

The British occupied Philadelphia during the American Revolutionary War as it was the political and economic center of the colonies. Capturing the city would disrupt the Continental Congress and potentially weaken the American cause. Additionally, controlling Philadelphia gave the British a strategic advantage in the region.