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2mo ago

The sound waves are caused by vibrations in the air hammer when it strikes an object. These vibrations create pressure changes in the air, which propagate as sound waves through the air. When these sound waves reach your ears, they cause your eardrums to vibrate, which is then interpreted by your brain as sound.

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Q: What causes the sound waves that travel from an air hammer to your ears?
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What causes sound waves to travel?

Sound waves are generated when an object vibrates, causing air molecules to vibrate in a pattern that travels as a wave. These vibrating air molecules transfer the energy of the sound wave from the source to our ears, where it is perceived as sound.

What forms when a source of energy causes a medium to vibrate?

When a source of energy causes a medium to vibrate, it creates sound waves. Sound waves are mechanical waves that travel through a medium by causing the particles of the medium to vibrate and transfer energy in the form of sound.

Why sound is produced when bell is struck with hammer?

When a bell is struck with a hammer, the impact causes the bell to vibrate. These vibrations travel through the air as sound waves, which reach our ears and are perceived as sound. The size, shape, and material of the bell affect the frequency and intensity of the sound produced.

Where do sound waves travel through?

Sound waves travel through a medium, such as air, water, or solids. In air, sound waves create vibrations that travel through molecules in the form of pressure waves. These waves carry the sound energy and allow the sound to be heard by our ears.

How do sound waves travel what do sound waves need in order to travel?

Sound waves travel by causing particles in a medium (such as air, water, or solids) to vibrate back and forth. They require a medium to travel through, as they cannot travel in a vacuum. When a sound source, such as a speaker or a voice, vibrates, it creates compressions and rarefactions in the medium, which propagate as sound waves.

Related questions

What causes sound to travel?

Sound waves are produced by vibrations, which causes disturbances in the surrounding medium .These disturbances are transferred from the source in the form of longitudinal waves.

What causes sound waves to travel?

Sound waves are generated when an object vibrates, causing air molecules to vibrate in a pattern that travels as a wave. These vibrating air molecules transfer the energy of the sound wave from the source to our ears, where it is perceived as sound.

What forms when a source of energy causes a medium to vibrate?

When a source of energy causes a medium to vibrate, it creates sound waves. Sound waves are mechanical waves that travel through a medium by causing the particles of the medium to vibrate and transfer energy in the form of sound.

What does sound travel on?

Waves; sound waves.

Why sound is produced when bell is struck with hammer?

When a bell is struck with a hammer, the impact causes the bell to vibrate. These vibrations travel through the air as sound waves, which reach our ears and are perceived as sound. The size, shape, and material of the bell affect the frequency and intensity of the sound produced.

How do sound waves travel to a satellite?

Sound waves require a medium to travel through, and, since space is a vacuum, sound waves can't travel in it.

What can sound waves not travel in?

sound waves can't travel in a vacuum (space)

Sound waves cannot travel on the?

Sound waves cannot travel through vaccum.

Where do sound waves travel through?

Sound waves travel through a medium, such as air, water, or solids. In air, sound waves create vibrations that travel through molecules in the form of pressure waves. These waves carry the sound energy and allow the sound to be heard by our ears.

What is the objective of travel faster radio waves or sound waves?

sound waves

Why are sound waves not considered a mechanical wave?

Mechanical waves are waves that require a medium in which to travel, i.e., a solid or fluid. As sound needs a medium to travel, sound is a mechanical wave.

What is one place sound waves cannot travel?

Sound waves cannot travel in space. Sound waves some medium in order to propagate.