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Q: What causes shale to turn into slate?
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Can granite turn into slate?

No. . . .granite not turn into slate. . . .shale is turn into slate.

Can shale turn into slate?


What causes shale to change into slate?


Is slate harder than shale?

No. Slate is harder. Slate is shale that has been heated and compressed.

What does shale turn into when its expossed to heat and pressure?

High pressure can cause the formation of the metamorphic rock slate from the sedimentary rock shale.

What sedimentary rock does shale turn into?

Slate is metamorphosed shale.

What is similarities between shale and slate?

Slate and shale have the same make-up. Slate is formed from sedimentary shale by pressure and heat. Wet shale has the same smell that wet slate has.

What is used to turn shale into slate?

Shale (a sedimentary rock) transforms naturally into slate (a metamorphic rock) after millions of years of burial deep in the crust under high temperature and pressure. It it not possible to artificially transform shale into slate.

What rock is slate but in the past it was shale?

Shale is a sedimentaory rock, while Slate is a metamorphic rock. Generally the shale is metamorphosed into slate.

Under pressure shale may turn into slate this is an example of?

Rock metamorphism.

What does phyllite turn into?

Phyllite is metamorphosed slate, which is also a metamorphic rock. Shale or mudstone is the protolith (parent rock) of slate.

What metamorphic rock does shale and ganite turn into?

Shale and granite are sedimentary rocks. After thousands of years under pressure and heat, they can turn into phyllite rock.