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That the mass of a helium nucleus is larger than the mass of the hydrogen nucleus. Also, since the star uses this process to produce energy, that the helium atom has less energy than the original hydrogen atoms - and therefore also less mass.

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Q: What can you infer about helium from the fact that it is made by a nuclear fusion reaction inside the sun?
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Nuclear reaction taking place inside sun is called?

Nuclear fusion; hydrogen into helium.

How nuclear fusion in a main sequence is different from nuclear fusion in a giant star?

Nuclear Fusion in a Giant Star involves Helium being fused into a hydrogen shell that surrounds the core, and Nuclear Fusion in a Main-Sequence star involves Hydrogen being fused into Helium to produce Energy inside of the core.

Does the nuclear fusion occurs at the surface of the sun?

Fusion takes place in the core, where the temperature and pressure are much higher, which is necessary for fusion.

How is nuclear fusion in a main-sequence star is different from nuclear fusion in a giant star.?

Nuclear Fusion in a Giant Star involves Helium being fused into a hydrogen shell that surrounds the core, and Nuclear Fusion in a Main-Sequence star involves Hydrogen being fused into Helium to produce Energy inside of the core.

What is generated in the suns core?

Helium is generated in the core of our sun by nuclear synthesis .During the nuclear fusion inside the sun , hydrogen is fused into helium .the main products generated in this reaction are - Gamma ray photon, positron, neutrino, isotopes of hydrogen and helium and large amount of energy .

What is the hydrogen to helium reaction that is occurring inside the sun called?

nuclear fission

What kind of reaction occurs to produce energy inside a star?

Nuclear Fusion

What does nuclear fusion create inside of stars?

Inside the sun, nuclear fusion creates helium nuclei from...a. oxygen nuclei. b. beryllium nuclei.c. carbon nuclei.d. hydrogen nuclei.The answer is d. hydrogen nuclei.

What do nuclear reactions on the sun produce?

Nuclear reaction inside the Sun is fusing of Hydrogen to Helium and release out thermal energy.

How do sun produce its light and heat?

due to the nuclear fusion reaction happening inside it in which hydrogen fuses into helium and so heat and light are produced. this is same with all the stars in the universe which are in their main course of life

Is the sun made out of hydrogen and helium?

It definitely runs on hydrogen, and its made of helium, as well. --- Yes, it is mainly made of hydrogen which it uses as a fuel. It fuses hydrogen nuclei together to form helium, producing huge amounts of energy through this nuclear fusion reaction. Helium is produced by this reaction. The most important fusion reaction is stars the size of our Sun, is the so called 'Proton - proton' reaction, which in summary, combines 4 nuclei of Hydrogen to produce one nucleus of Helium, plus two nuclei of Hydrogen, and positrons and gamma rays. Gamma rays get transformed inside the sun into less harmful electromagnetic radiations. There are other fusion reaction inside stars, which combine lighter atom nuclei into heavier nuclei, going up to producing carbon C and iron Fe nuclei.

Why do nuclear reactions take place inside the core of the sun?

Because of the energy source and it can also provide the needed speed for fusion. +++ Not speed. The nuclear fusion of is hydrogen to helium, and it occurs because the core of the star as it developed gained sufficient pressure and temperature for the reaction to start and become self-sustaining. The outer regions of a star are neither hot enough nor compressed enough for fusion to occur.