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---- las propiedades de la luz visible como fem y como particula nos puede decir tanto como las demas frecuencias electromagneticas, solo es cuestion de realizar la lectura correcta con el equipo correcto. Esto es, la luz de las estrellas que nos llega es afectada durante su viaje por diferentes sucesos, estos, supongamos como si proyectaramos la luz de una linterna contra una pared e interpusieramos la mano. En la pared veriamos la luz sin la porcion que ocupa la mano, o sea sin los fotones desviados por la mano, de la misma manera las radiaciones que medimos del espacio nos pueden dar una lectura de lo que "vieron" a su paso hasta nosotros. Pensemos en un haz de laser, desde el momento en que los fotones comienzan a moverse son afectados por su interaccion con el entorno que los rodea y esa informacion queda impresa en ellos por su cualidad de onda y particula. Como onda transportan energia y como particula tienen masa y las dos son mensurables. La luz visible nos muestra lo que nos rodea debido a que los objetos reflejan una porcion de esa luz, las frecuencias del espectro que no son "absorbidas" por un objeto, por lo tanto solo hay que "leer" las frecuencias reflejadas para saber cuales faltan y determinar a que pertenece. La luz de las estrellas nos llega con millones de años de atraso y quizas ya no esten alli pero podriamos analizarla a medida que nos llega de su recorrido para saber que eventos fueron afectandola a su paso y usarla asi como un espejo y ver que "vio." ----

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2mo ago
  1. Radio waves provide information on cool gas clouds, magnetic fields, and distant galaxies.
  2. Infrared radiation reveals cool stars, warm dust clouds, and protostellar objects.
  3. Ultraviolet light helps study hot stars, active galactic nuclei, and energetic processes.
  4. X-rays are crucial for observing black holes, supernova remnants, and high-energy phenomena.
  5. Gamma rays offer insights into nuclear processes, extreme cosmic events, and sources of high-energy emission.
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Q: What can the other five radiation bands used in astronomy tell us that visible light cannot?
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What are different types of radiation other than visible light and what are there uses?

Types of radiation other than visible light include ultraviolet (UV) radiation, X-rays, gamma rays, and infrared radiation. These forms of radiation have various applications such as medical imaging (X-rays), cancer treatment (gamma rays), sterilization of equipment (UV radiation), and thermal imaging (infrared radiation).

A metamorphic rock with visible layers or bands is said to be what?

A metamorphic rock with visible layers or bands is said to be foliated. The layers are due to the alignment of minerals or the presence of alternating light and dark bands. Examples of foliated metamorphic rocks include slate, schist, and gneiss.

Do astronomers use only visible electromagnetic radiation to study space?

No, astronomers use a wide range of electromagnetic radiation beyond visible light, such as radio waves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays, to study space. Different types of radiation provide unique insights into various phenomena in the universe.

Why is most of the solar radiation reaching earths surface in the range of visible light?

Visible light has the right amount of energy to penetrate Earth's atmosphere without being absorbed or scattered. This allows it to reach the surface relatively unaffected, making it the primary source of solar radiation we receive. Additionally, our eyes are sensitive to this range of wavelengths, which has likely influenced the range of solar radiation that reaches Earth's surface.

Does limestone have layers or bands?

Yes, limestone can have layers or bands, which are often formed due to variations in sediment composition and environmental conditions during the deposition process. These layers are referred to as bedding planes and can be visible in the rock as distinct bands or lines.

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The sun's energy travels by electromagnetic bands. true or false?

True. The Sun's energy is primarily transmitted through electromagnetic radiation, which includes visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and infrared radiation.

What are the eletromagnetic radiation bands called?

Electromagnetic radiation bands are known as the EMR spectrum.

What are the visible bands in cardiac and skeletal muscle called?

Visible bands in cardiac and skeletal muscle are called striated muscles.

How many bands of light does a landsat image have?

It has 7 bands, only 3 of which are in the visible.

What are different types of radiation other than visible light and what are there uses?

Types of radiation other than visible light include ultraviolet (UV) radiation, X-rays, gamma rays, and infrared radiation. These forms of radiation have various applications such as medical imaging (X-rays), cancer treatment (gamma rays), sterilization of equipment (UV radiation), and thermal imaging (infrared radiation).

A metamorphic rock with visible layers or bands is said to be what?

A metamorphic rock with visible layers or bands is said to be foliated. The layers are due to the alignment of minerals or the presence of alternating light and dark bands. Examples of foliated metamorphic rocks include slate, schist, and gneiss.

Do astronomers use only visible electromagnetic radiation to study space?

No, astronomers use a wide range of electromagnetic radiation beyond visible light, such as radio waves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays, to study space. Different types of radiation provide unique insights into various phenomena in the universe.

The sun's energy travels by electromagnetic bands?

Yes, the sun's energy is primarily transmitted in the form of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared radiation. These different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation play a key role in heating Earth's surface and powering various processes including photosynthesis and climate patterns.

Why is most of the solar radiation reaching earths surface in the range of visible light?

Visible light has the right amount of energy to penetrate Earth's atmosphere without being absorbed or scattered. This allows it to reach the surface relatively unaffected, making it the primary source of solar radiation we receive. Additionally, our eyes are sensitive to this range of wavelengths, which has likely influenced the range of solar radiation that reaches Earth's surface.

What are the bands Electromagnetic spectrum?

The bands of the electromagnetic spectrum are radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays. Each band has different wavelengths and frequencies, which determine their properties and uses.

What are the bands on Jupiter?

The bands on Jupiter are areas of alternating light and dark clouds that are caused by differences in the planet's atmospheric composition and temperature. The most prominent bands are the equatorial bands and the polar bands, which are visible in Jupiter's atmosphere.

What is blurred?

Something visible but unclear OR One of the best bands of all time