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The main tool used to detect a developing tornado is doppler radar, which can detect the rotation. However, nothing beats a a trained spotter, who can visually confirm what the radar detects and report on things it might miss.

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Q: What can meteorologists use to detect tornadoes as they form in clouds?
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Do tornadoes form from stratus clouds?

No. Tornadoes form from cumulonimbus clouds.

Do Clouds Form a Tornadoes?

Yes. Tornadoes form from cumulonimbus clouds.

Do tornadoes come form clouds?

Yes. Tornadoes form from the clouds of a thunderstorm.

What kind of clouds to tornadoes form from?

Tornadoes mostly form from cumulonimbus clouds. :D

What clouds can result in tornadoes?

Tornadoes are a product of thunderstorms, which take the form of cumulonimbus clouds.

Can you predict a tornado?

Different storm centers (National Weather Service as an example) have high tech radars to detect any tornadoes that are forming or are potentially able to form. Meteorologists know the conditions that contribute to the forming of any tornadoes.

Do tornadoes form when it is cold and windy with no clouds?

No. Tornadoes only form with thunderstorms.

Are tornadoes associated with cumulonimbus clouds?

Yes, Tornadoes are produce by thunderstorms which form from cumulonimbus clouds.

Wall clouds can range from a fraction of what?

Wall clouds can form from cumulonimbus clouds that often form tornadoes.

What do tornadoes from?

Tornadoes form from thunder clouds that are recently pasing the town.

Can cumuolnibus clouds form a tornado?

Yes. In fact nearly all tornadoes form from cumulonimbus clouds.

What type of clouds does a tornado form in?

Tornadoes are a product of severe thunderstorms, which take the form of cumulonimbus clouds.