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Q: What can granite heated under pressure form?
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What can granite and shale form under heated pressure?

Some shale becomes limestone and some changes into coal depending on what minerals are in them. --

What minierals are in granite?

Granite is a widely occurring group of intrusive, igneous rocks that form at great depth and pressure under continents. The minerals in granite are primarily quartz, feldspar, and mica.

Is granite form under ground?

i dtk

How is anthracite coal formed?

anthracite coal is the metamorphic form of bituminous coal which is the sedimentary form. in other words it has been heated under pressure.

How is a anthracite coal formed?

anthracite coal is the metamorphic form of bituminous coal which is the sedimentary form. in other words it has been heated under pressure.

Is granite in basalt?

No. Granite and basalt have different compositions and form under different circumstances.

What rock does granite form from heat and pressure?

The ONLY rock that Granite forms is the metamorphic rock Gneiss. Granite is the parent rock of Gneiss.

How does limestone turn into marble in the earth?

When limestone is under high pressure from overlaying rock layers and is heated by magma it can form marble.

Do diamonds form under high or low pressure?

Diamonds form when they're under high pressure.

What happens when glucose is heated at 120 degree celsius?

The products depend upon the pressure. At high pressure HMF alongwith levulinic acid will form. At lower pressure some aromatics could form.