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the trafic of gold that the ugly africans had

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a quick way to trade palm oil and spices

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Q: What business opportunity first brought interested Europeans to the delta of the Niger River?
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What type of religion was brought to Australia by the Europeans?

The Europeans brought Christianity to Australia.

One reason for the Europeans' success in conquering the New World was that Native Americans?

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Did the europeans bring civilization to America?

Europeans brought civilization to the americas

What has made an impact on Australia and why?

Europeans did because europeans brought animals and weird food

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Europeans brought much of the world under their influence and control beginning in the year 1914.Europeans brought much of the world under their influence and control beginning in the late 1800s.

Why is Marco Polo famous?

he traveled through Asia and he brought the first europeans to America

What brought the europeans to the pacific in the 1500?

For spices

Who brought the diseases to North America?

The europeans

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Usually trade or warfare brought the Native Americans and the Europeans together, but the question is so vague as to be useless in providing specifics.

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Why Europeans begin growing potatoes after sailors brought it from America? I do not know how this potatoes grow in America

Who brought Christianity and disease to the new world?

Europeans, although diseases did exist in the new world before the Europeans arrived. They just brought more.

What did the Europeans brought to the New World?

They brought new food and grains and things they needed.