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Ionic bonds are usually formed between metal and non metal atoms.

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Q: What bonds form with metals and nonmetals?
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What kind of bonds do metals and nonmetals form?

Metals and nonmetals form ionic bonds.

What kind of elements form ionic bonds with nonmetals?

Metals. The two most reactive groups of metals that readily form these bonds with nonmetals are the alkali metals and the alkaline earth metals. Groups 1A and 2A.

How do you use ionic bonds in sentence?

Ionic bonds generally form between metals and nonmetals.

Does sulfur has ionic bonds or covalent bonds?

Sulfur will form covalent bonds with itself and other nonmetals, but will form ionic bonds with most metals.

Do metals and nonmetals always form mostly ionic bonds?

Yes, it is correct.

Would Mn and Cl form a covalent compound?

No. Metals and nonmetals form ionic bonds.

What do non metals and metals tend to do?

Metals and nonmetals tend to form ionic compounds by forming ionic bonds when they combine.

What type of bond will form between N and O?

They will form a covalent bond. Both are nonmetals; covalent bonds only form between nonmetals. Ionic bonds form between metals and nonmetals, so that is not correct here.

What forms an ionic compound?

The elements that generally form ionic bonds are the metals and nonmetals.

What types of elements form covalent compounds and what types of elements form ionic compoundsypes?

Ionic bonds are between metals and nonmetals. Covalent bonds are between nonmetals andnonmetals.Also covalent bonds consist that they share the electrons to get a full outer level but on the other hand ionic bonding consists in giving and taking away!

What compounds forms an ionic bond?

The elements that generally form ionic bonds are the metals and nonmetals.

Which element will most likely form a ionic bond?

Ionic bonds form primarily between metals and nonmetals.