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the immunes system i found out of my teacher

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8y ago

The auto-immune system deals with pathogens that enter the body.

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Q: What body system destroy pathogen that enter the body?
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Why does the immune system need to destroy pathogen?

The immune system needs to destroy the pathogens. Other wise the pathogens will multiply in the body of host. The pathogens will multiply by geometrical proportion. With in very short time the pathogens will occupy the whole body. You can no longer survive in that case.

In transmission where is a locus where a pathogen can enter?

In medicine, the locus where a pathogen can enter would be any part of the body or surface that is moist. This includes the eyes, the nose and the mouth.

Cilia prevent the entrance of pathogens into the body by?

cilia prevents the entrance into the body by pathogen by constantly beat toward the outside of the body. If it is in your throat it will beat it toward your stomach so stomach acid can destroy the pathogen.

What do plasmodium infects in the human body before causing the cells to burst?

Infection allows the pathogen to enter human cells. Without infection plasmodium or any other pathogen can not enter the cells.

Once the body encounters a pathogen and destroys it what is created?

Once the body activated, killer T cells it recognize pathogen and destroy them. In response that will create memory B cells and T cells specific to a certain pathogen, so if it ever came back it will be killed immediately.

Where does the pathogen of influenza enter your bodies?

The viruses that cause the flu enter your body through the mucous tissue in your mouth, nose, eyes, respiratory system, and gastrointestinal system. The influenza viruses mostly affect the respiratory system when you are infected.

What is the difference between antigens and pathogen's?

An antigen is a body's system for creating antibodies to fight infection. A pathogen is an infectious agent (or germ).

What would happen if the body didn't have an inflammatory response?

one way the inflammatory response will respond if the pathogen does enter

What happens once the body is exposed to pathogen?

The pathogen tries to infect the body. The defense mechanism of the body resists the entry of the pathogen. If pathogen succeeds the infection is established and the body becomes sick.

What is vaccination and how does it work?

In a vaccination you will receive a version of the pathogen (disease) that can not make you sick because it is inactive or significantly weakened. It will be introduced into your body with an injection or sometimes using oral or nasal formulations. Your immune system will then produce antibodies, which will kill or deactivate the introduced pathogen. Therefore, if an active/live pathogen would enter your body later, your immune system would be quickly able to produce more of the same type of antibodies, as they will recognizethe organism that caused the infection and know what antibodies will work on it. Boosters then might be used over the years to essentially remind the immune system how to defend your body against the pathogen.

What system does oxygen enter the body?

The respiratory system.

What is the difference between an antigen and pathogen?

an aepitope is the part of an antigen where antibodiy or lymphocyte receptor binds