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Extremophiles and sulfide metabolizing bacteria.

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Q: What bacteria live in deep thermal vents?
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Names of some plants which respire anaerobically?

Clostridium botulinum and the bacteria which live near hydrothermal vents on the deep-sea ocean floor.

At what tenperature is bacteria most active?

It really depends on the bacteria. Some multiply best at room temperature, some at 60 deg celcius. Bacteria has 4 phases in life. The lag, log/exponential, stationary or the death phase. Bacteria multiply best at its log phase. The log phase depends on the bacteria species.

Why can some bacteria live in volcanic vents?

Biota that live in extreme environments are known as extremophiles. They have evolved to like these conditions. Black Smokers in the ocean floor, are surrounded by such organisms - in that case, of ones that can survive without light and oxygen.

What characteristics distinguish archaea from bacteria?

well if you mean by distinguish as diff rent archaebacteria can live in extreme environment and it is an ancient bacteria but eubacteria cant live in extreme environment but it can live in food , air , and also in living things .

What plants and animals live in the Hadopelagic?

Hadopelagic or hadalpelagic means open ocean farther than the neritic zone and at least 6000m deep. The organisms that live here are hard to classify. There are the hydrothermal vents, which house chemosynthetic bacteria and some worms with red feathery looking things at the top for feeding. Most of the hadopelagic zone is unexplored and before the new discovery of hydrothermal vents, it was thought that nothing lived there at all. Due to lack of deep ocean exploration it is unknown what and how much lives down there. Jellies and ctenophores probably. But very little detritus falls that far.

Related questions

Where are 5 extreme places where bacteria live?

If you are talking in or on the human body, I don't know. But if you mean where are 5 extreme places where bacteria live in the world, then here are some: Antarctica, the deep ocean, thermal vents under the ocean, in extremely hot water near thermal vents on land and in desert sand where the temperature is incredibly hot. Bacteria can live in very extreme places like the extremely freezing temperatures of the ice floating on lake Vostok in antarctica and the near boiling hot springs in Yellow Stone National Park USA

What organisms on earth do not get original energy from the sun?

Some "extremophiles" obtain their energy from chemicals. These are bacteria that live round thermal vents (in the sea and volcanoes), and that live in solid rock.

What organisms are an exception to the rule that all life energy comes from the sun?

Deep-sea animals that live around thermal vents in the ocean floor.

What is an alternative to photosynthesis for organisms that live at the bottom of the ocean or in hot springs?

There are bacteria that are capable of metabolizing elemental sulfur that emerges in thermal vents or hot springs, as their source of energy.

Why is chemosynthetic bacteria a parasite?

These are not parasites. These are autotrophs and make their own food just like plants do except they use chemicals instead. There are methanobacteria, sulfur bacteria which live along deep sea hydrothermic vents, and nitrogen bacteria.

Why can bateria live in hostile environments?

Organisms that live in the Archaea Domain can live in hostile environments that others cannot. They live in areas such as sulfurous hot springs, deep-sea thermal vents, salty lakes, wastewater from mining, and in the intestines of animals.

What is unique about the producers that live in hydrothermal vents?

Bacteria use chemosynthesis. They take the chemicals in the water shooting out of the vents.

Are Chemotrophs producers?

Chemotrophs are also known as bacteria or archaea that live in hostile environments such as deep sea vents and they are the primary producers in these ecosystems only! Hope this helps! :) xxx

Names of some plants which respire anaerobically?

Clostridium botulinum and the bacteria which live near hydrothermal vents on the deep-sea ocean floor.

Which domain would one classify bacteria that live in hydrothermal vents?


At what tenperature is bacteria most active?

It really depends on the bacteria. Some multiply best at room temperature, some at 60 deg celcius. Bacteria has 4 phases in life. The lag, log/exponential, stationary or the death phase. Bacteria multiply best at its log phase. The log phase depends on the bacteria species.

What is the earliest group or living organisms on earth?

The archeobacteria. Very primitive bacteria that live in extreme conditions - hot springs, thermal vents on the ocean floor, extremely salty saline pools and even in Antarctic ice