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Water bugs that look like little stingrays are called fish lice. Fish lice feed off of the blood of fishes.

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Q: What are water bugs that look like little stingrays?
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What are the bugs in the pool that look like tadpoles but are not they have little winglike flippers and they jump when you take them out of the water?

They are backswimmers or Water Boatman bugs. Jenny in North Dakota

Do bugs need water to survive?

They need water. If they reproduce they need more water. They like to latch on to little sticks. Beware they bite

What do water dragon lizirds eat?

they many types of vegetation and fruits. they also like little bugs to

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Why can certain bugs walk on water?

Water has a hgih surface tension so some bugs have little desity cause the bug to simply walk on the water. The water has many hydrogen bonds causing the water to act like a net so the bug is caught by the yung money.

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water bugs live in water there are some water bugs in Oregon at oxbow park they are very hard to see. Beetles like to hide in outlets and do

Do blue spotted stingrays have a backbone?

No they do not because they slither like snakes in the water and you can not do that with a backbone

What kind of water do stingrays live in?

There are two categories of stingrays, freshwater and saltwater. Both eat shrimp, clams, krill, other small fish, and plants. Although they are constantly having water flow over their gills, stingrays extract water from their food, like many other sea animals.

Do bugs like salt water pools?

Bugs do not like any type of pool

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What are stingrays made out of?

stingrays are made of cartilage like from our ear arent they?