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Mercury and alcohol (ethanol).

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Q: What are two liquids that have been used in thermometers?
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What are the two most commonly found in liquid-in-glass thermometers?

if you mean what are the two most commonly found liquids in a liquid-and-glass thermometer then the answer is mercury and alcohol :) hope this helps

What two or three uses of mercury the special liquid?

it is used in thermometers(sorry if i spelled thermometers wrong)

Who created the liquid in glass thermometer?

The two most common liquids used in glass thermometers are mercury and alcohol, both of which were created by M. Nature. Alcohol thermometers are, or were, used in extremely cold areas like the Yukon, where the temperature could be expected to drop lower than -40 in the winter (-40 is where mercury freezes, and it is also the only temperature that is exactly the same on both Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers).

What are the two substance used in liquid column thermometers?

iodine and Mercury

What instrument is used to measure thermometer?

its in the answer..its thermometer...there are two thermometers..Celsius and Fahrenheit....

What two substances are used in the thermometer's glass tube?

MERCURY is commonly used in thermometers designed for medical and elevated temperatures, and ALCOHOL (with a coloured dye) is used in medical and very low temperature thermometers. Both these use glass tubes. Very high temperature thermometers contain Gallium, which is a liquid at room temperature, in a quartz tube.

What is used to measure temperature of the weather?

There are many instruments that meteorologists use to measure weather. The two most commonly used instruments are a barometer and a thermometer.

Distillation can be used separate solutions of miscible liquids because?

Distillation can be used to separate solutions of miscible liquids, because the liquids have different boiling points. Distillation works because it vaporizes the more volatile of the two liquids.

What are two types of thermometer?

The two types of thermometers are the total immersion and partial immersion thermometers. However, they both read temperature the same way!

What is a distillation apparatus used for used for in science?

It is used to separate two liquids which have different boiling points!.

Answer Two solid and two liquid used in car?

Steel and aluminum are solids. Gasoline and water are liquids.

What is an LCD Thermometer?

In market there is availability of two types of Thermometers [1] Glass and [2] Digital. Digital Thermometers are LCD Thermometers. The thermometer measures the body temperature in shows digitally in numbers and alphabets.