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Q: What are three farming meathods that save soil?
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Why is it essential that soil conservation be practiced throughout the world?

We can save soil for our own use like farming or planting cropa

Give Farming technique to conserve the soil?

Crop rotation helps save the soil. Sometimes we let the field go fallow for a season.

Explain how no-till farming can save and restore your soil?

No-till farming helps to prevent mineral loss within the soil, stop erosion, and prevent water loss from occurring within the soil. The maintenance of a layer of organic mulch over the soil allows it to break down slowly, releasing nutrients into the soil.

List three methods of soil conservation that helps to prevent the loss of soil?

contour plowing, terracing, and no-till farming

Why is the soil of grasslands good for farming?

The soil of grassland is good for farming because the soil is very rich.

What farming practices minimize soil loss?

Terrace farming minimizes soil erosion.

What makes the soil in Indonesia good for farming?

The soil is good for farming because it is fertile

Why is the grasslands soil good for farming?

a grasslands soil is good for farming because it has no guantity of big or has rich soil

What is shifting farming?

A method in which farmers move every one to three years to find better soil.

Does the soil of organic farming last longer than conventional farming soil?

In true organic farming, the soil is built up with organic matter, which means nutrients in the soil are replenished. In non-organic farming, fertilizers are used to replenish certain nutrients only, while other nutrients may be depleted. In that sense, soil (nutrients in the soil) last longer in organic farming.

Is no-till farming and contour farming two examples of preventing soil erosion?

Yes. No-till farming and contour farming are two examples of preventing soil erosion.

How are hydroponic farming and field farming different?

Hydroponic farming does not use soil.