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Q: What are three animals and their adaptations in a grassland?
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What adaptations do grassland animals have?

Grassland animals have a multitude of adaptations such as they have great speed to run from predators, or that they have a keen sense of smell and/or sight. Also they have antlers or horns to fight off predators or competition, common animals who have this adaptation are as elk or bison. They also live in dry windy conditions.

What biome is the home to the greatest variety of grazing animals on earth?

Grassland biome has animals with grazing adaptations .

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What is grassland animals?

Grassland animals are animals that live in the Grassland. Such as elephants, giraffes zebras, and rhinos.

What 2 consumers and their adaptations in a grassland?


What are some grassland animals that begin with the letter K?

The kangaroo rat and the kultarr are grassland animals. Additional grassland animals include the kestrel.

What are the physiological behavioral and structural adaptations of three animals?

Bird migration and the hibernation of some animals during the cold seasons are behavioral adaptations. The physiological adaptations relate to the general functioning of the body.

What makes animals in the grasslands different then animals?

Grassland animals eat grass. the other animals that are grassland animals like cheetahs that dont eat grass eat other grassland animals like gazzelles. grassland animals also need the temperature of the grasslands. Different animals live in different biomes.

A grassland for animals to feed on?

if you have food for animals or you can use the grassland to eat but they need water is the important

How do herbs adapt physiologically to grassland?

Adaptations are achieved through evolution.

What are the animals that are omnivores in the grassland?

waht animal are omnivore that live in the grassland?

Do animals in the grassland hibernate?

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