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Q: What are three advances in technology that allowed the age of exploration?
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Should space exploration continue?

yes the planet mars has the most exploration of any of the planets(aside from Earth) but it is nknow as the bumuta triangle of the solar system because so many missions have failed. no manned missions have been sent but NASA hopes to send humans in the future

Describe the importance of space shuttle-mir docking missions?

There were three main things. The first was symbolic. It demonstrated cooperation of the US and Russia after more than 40 years of cold war rivalry. Second, it allowed the US and Russia to develop and share technology and advance science and a lower cost that what it would have achieved each nation individually. Lastly, it laid the foundations for the ISS.

What are the names of the 3 Mars rovers?

There were three missions that successfully landed rovers on Mars. The rovers are:Sojourner - landed July 4, 1997 on mission Mars Pathfinder (functioned 3 months)Opportunity - landed January 4, 2004 on mission Mars Exploration Rover-A (functioned 6 years)Spirit - landed January 25, 2004 on mission Mars Exploration Rover-B (still functioning)NASA is also launching a new rover, Curiosity, sometime between November and December, 2011. It is scheduled to land on Mars on August, 2012.

Is America the only nation to have sent a man to the moon?

Yes, because we have all of the advanced technology and rocketships, and all the supplies anyone would need to be able to take and survive a three day flight to the moon. We also do have a lot of astronauts that are willing to take on missions like this.

Who invented the first streetlight?

Detroit policeman William L. Potts is credited with inventing the modern street traffic light in 1920. He worked out an electric light system that allowed him to control three street intersections from one tower He picked the red, yellow and green because railroads used them.

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What were the three technological advances in shipbuilding and navigation during early exploration?

The lateen sail, which allowed tacking into the wind, the block and tackle, which allowed the raising of large sails with less manpower, the compass and the sextant. I don't know which three your teacher wants, but these four were critical.

What three technological advances furthered European exploration?

The Astorlabe, the carvel and the printing press

What were the three major technological advances that made it possible to "explore" the world from the 15th to 17th centuries?

What were the three major technological advances that made it possible to explore the world from the 15th to 17th centuries? The five major advancements of the Age of Exploration were the astrolabe, magnetic compass, caravel, sextant, and Mercator’s projection.

What were three major events that lead to the Age of Exploration?

In the case of European exploration, they explored for "god, glory, and gold." They wanted to convert more people to Christianity, they wanted for explore and conquer new lands for their country, and they wanted gold.

What are the three technology advances in 1900?

The huge answer to this is Electricity, Airplanes and the telephone, to which we still use but in advanced mode.

What three advances in technology helped the people who were living on the Great Plains?

windmills,irrigation ditches and,barbed wire.

What are three advances in technology and learning made by peoples of the ancient middle east and tell why each one was important?

Eat rocks

What are the three advances in learning?

They are reading, writing and arithmetic.

What are 3 reason for exploration?

The three reasons for exploration were to get money, become famous, and spread Christianity.

3 classifications of technology?

the three classification of technology is: tools product process

What advances in art were made during the middle kingdom?

the advances were the toothbrush and the water bottlr

What were the British's goals for exploration?

They wanted the three "G's"