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Using a compass determine the direction of south. Using a clock find out the time when the sun is south. For every hour after mid-day you are 15 degrees west of the point where the sun is south at mid-day. The clock should be set to mid-day when the sun is at longitude zero to get absolute values rather than relative values.

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Q: What are the two readings that are necessary to determine longitude?
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What invention allowed sailors do plot their positions at sea by looking at the stars?

The SEXTANT. This instrument will give the latitude of a ship. However, because of solar movements a CLOCK(Time piece) is needed to determine the longitude(meridian). So the two inventions are ; - The Sextant, and the Clock .

What is the longitude and and latitude of the tropic of cancer?

The two tropics are lines of latitude at 23°26′13.0″ North and South of the Equator and they intersect all lines of longitude.

What are the two things that are necessary for clouds to form?

air and water

How can you tell which planet has the most circular orbit?

You can look through a list of the planets' orbits to see which one has the smallest eccentricity, and the answer is Venus, 0.006787. But if you are an astronomer wanting to find it out by observing the planets in the sky, you need to have five accurate positions for each planet, spaced out across a good fraction of the orbit, and then you can calculate the 'elements' of the orbit. One of the elements is the eccentricity. The eccentricity and the semimajor axis determine the shape and size of the orbit. Then there is the longitude of perihelion, which sets the orientation of the major axis of the ellipse. Two more are the inclination of the plane of the orbit to the plane of the Earth's orbit, and then the longitude of the ascending node, which defines the line of intersection of the two planes. Finally the longitude at the Epoch and the date of the Epoch are required because they set the starting conditions for the model.

Which two factors determine the characteristics of a star?

Its mass and its stage of life

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Which major city is located at 56 n Latitude and 38 e Longitude?

This is an impossible location as there are two latitude (north) readings and no longitude readings. Longitude measures east and west only.

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It is necessary to know the magnitude and the direction of the vector.

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There are two readings and the gospel, for total of 3

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Mean and Standard Deviation

What is the effect of variation of power factor on readings of two wave meters used in 3 phase power mesurements?

I assume that you mean 'watt meters', and not 'wave meters', in this question, and that you are referring to the 'two wattmeter method' of measuring the power of a three-phase load.Variations in power-factor will cause the ratio of the two wattmeter readings to vary, but the sum* of those readings will always indicate the total power of the load. Providing the load is balanced, you can use the ratio of the two wattmeter readings (P1 and P2) to determine its power factor, based on the following equation:phase angle = tan-1 {1.73[(P2 - P1) / (P2 + P1)]}Where power factor is then the cosine of the phase angle determined by this equation.[*If one or other of the wattmeters is reading 'downscale' -backwards- then it will be necessary to reverse the connection to that instrument's voltage or current coil.]

In what book do we find the scripture readings that are used in mass?

The Lectionary contains all the readings for Mass, for the two year cycle for daily readings, and the three year cycle for Sunday readings.

Explain how you can determine if your location is east or west longitude?

You see whether your location is located to the east or west of the Prime Meridian. If it is located east of the Prime Meridian, then it is east longitude, and the same goes for west.

Is the international date line 180 longitude?

Yes. But the line was zigged and zagged where necessary, to avoid splitting a state, a country, or an island into two different calendar dates.

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Stopwatch and measuring device.

How do you determine longitudinal axis?

Latitude and longitude are two of the most important things map readers and sailors must understand. To determine longitudinal axis one must look at the center of the object and imagine a line coming straight through it.

Is the international date line approximately 180 longitude?

Yes. But the line was zigged and zagged where necessary, to avoid splitting a state, a country, or an island into two different calendar dates.