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Hubble discovered that the nebulas were galaxies based on the powerful telescope at Mt Wilson. The second discoveries was the red shift relationship v=HD shows that the galaxies were outside our own galaxies definitely and quantitatively, using light sources in galaxies that were standard sources that could calibrate the distance.

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Q: What are the two important discoveries Hubble made that proved other galaxies exist outside our own?
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What is the name of the telescope that they use to see galaxies?

the hubble telescope edwin hubble :)

What is the type of star used by Hubble to measure the distance to other galaxies?

what is the type of star used by the Hubble to measure the distance to other galaxies.

Who showed that other galaxies existed?

Edwin Powell Hubble, the American astronomer, demonstrated the existence of other galaxies besides the Milky Way.

Edwin Hubble demonstrated that distant galaxies existed by measuring which type of stars?

what is the type of star used by the Hubble to measure the distance to other galaxies.

How old is the Hubble deep field galaxies?

it is 1 mile long

Related questions

What are two important discoveries hubble made that proved other galaxies exist outside our own?

Hubble discovered that the nebulas were galaxies based on the powerful telescope at Mt Wilson. The second discoveries was the red shift relationship v=HD shows that the galaxies were outside our own galaxies definitely and quantitatively, using light sources in galaxies that were standard sources that could calibrate the distance.

What are the two discoveries the Hubble made that proved other galaxy existed outside our own?

Hubble discovered that the nebulas were galaxies based on the powerful telescope at Mt Wilson. The second discoveries was the red shift relationship v=HD shows that the galaxies were outside our own galaxies definitely and quantitatively, using light sources in galaxies that were standard sources that could calibrate the distance.

First astronomer to prove there were more galaxies outside your own?

Edwin Hubble.

When did Edwin Hubble announce the discovery of galaxies outside Milky Way?


What important observation did Edwin Hubble make about the movement of galaxies?

In the late 1920s, the astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that most of the galaxies he observed were moving away from Earth.

What is important about the Hubble telescope's discovery that there is a red shift in the spectra of galaxies?

The Hubble telescope did not discover that there is a red shift in the spectra of Galaxies. The telescope is named after the American astronomer, Edwin Hubble, who discovered the phenomenon in the 1920s.

One of the men instrumental in proving other galaxies exist outside your own was?

Edwin hubble

What was hubble named after?

The Hubble Space Telescope was named after Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer that discovered that galaxies outside of the Local Group are moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distances.

What is important about Hubble discovery that there is a red shift in the spectra of galaxies?

that the universe is expanding(: YouR WelomE

What was the telescope hubble named after?

The Hubble Space Telescope was named after Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer that discovered that galaxies outside of the Local Group are moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distances.

Who discovered the existence of galaxies outside the milky way?

The person who discovered the existence of galaxies outside of the milky way was Edwin Hubble. He also discovered that galaxies move away from each other with a constant acceleration, leading to the big bang theory.

Who discovered the galaxies exist outside the Milky Way?

The person who discovered the existence of galaxies outside of the milky way was Edwin Hubble. He also discovered that galaxies move away from each other with a constant acceleration, leading to the big bang theory.