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Tides on earth are mainly caused by the moon's gravity and earth's rotation.

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Q: What are the tides on earth mainly caused by?
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What are Tides on Earth are causes by?

Tides on earth are mainly caused by the moon's gravity and earth's rotation.

Is the moon the only thing that affects tides?

No. Tides on Earth are caused mainly by the Moon, and by the Sun. If the Moon and the Sun are aligned - on the same side, or on opposite sides of the Earth - tides are stronger than when they are at a right angle. There are also tides on other planets, caused by their corresponding moons.

Ocean tides are caused by what?

Tides are mainly caused by the pull of the moon.

Are the tides on earth caused by the gravity?

Tides on Earth are caused by the gravity of the moon and, to a lesser degree, the sun.

Is Earth tides affected by gravity?

It's entirely reasonable to say that they are, mainly becauseEarth's tides are caused by gravity.2nd Answer:Great answer. It would be fair to say that the Moon's tides (in the ground, since there is no standing water, there) are caused by gravity, also.

What are earths tides caused by?

The tides are caused by the gravitational pull of Earth's moon.

Why do tides occur at different spots on earth?

Tides are caused mainly by the gravitational pull of the moon on the water in oceans and big lakes. Since the earth is spherical, the moon is in different positions relative to different spots on the earth.

Causes of tides?

Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon. Full moons are notorious for causing large waves and Tsunamis that pull in the direction of the moon.

What cause Earth's tides?

Tides are causesd by the gravitasnal pull from the moon and the sun.

What forces affect tides?

Tides are caused by the gravitational forces on Earth from the Moon and the Sun.

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