

What are the steps of the tornado?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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The steps of tornado formation are:

  1. Dust whirl stage: This is when the vortex has first made contact with the found and has started lifting dust, leaves, or similar material.
  2. Organizing stage: The tornado, having become established grows and intensifies.
  3. Mature stage: The tornado is at its largest point and is usually at peak intensity.
  4. Shrinking stage: The tornado begins to grow narrower and generally weaker, though some tornadoes briefly intensify at this point.
  5. Rope-out stage: The vortex is decaying rapidly and the funnel often takes on a winding rope-like appearance. It will dissipate fairly soon.
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The second stage of a typical tornado's life cycle is the mature stage. During this stage, the tornado is fully developed and at its most intense, with a distinct funnel shape and strong winds. The tornado is at its peak strength and causes the most damage during this stage.

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a tornado?