

Best Answer

bacteria causes viruses

2nd Answer:

My apologies, but the first answer is totally untrue.

Both bacteria and viruses can cause disease, but bacteria are alive, and viruses are not. They both contain RNA/DNA to assure they are replicated correctly.

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Q: What are the smilarities between bacteria and viruses?
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What difference between bacteria and viruses shows that bacteria are living organsims and viruses are not?

Bacteria are cellular while viruses are non cellular .

What is the main differences between bacteria and viruses?

Easy answer: Bacteria are alive and viruses probably are not.

What difference between bacteria and viruses shows that bacteria are living organisms and viruses?

Bacteria are able to reproduce on their own while viruses need a host to.

What are difference between bacteria and viruses.?

-viruses and alive but bacteria is -viruses spread but dont multiply or change in your body, bacteria are alive and are often evolving -viruses cannot be treated, but bacteria can be eliminated with chemincals and anitbiotics

What are three difference between viruses and bacteria?

-viruses and alive but bacteria is -viruses spread but dont multiply or change in your body, bacteria are alive and are often evolving -viruses cannot be treated, but bacteria can be eliminated with chemincals and anitbiotics

Which is the difference between bacteria and viruses that shows the bacteria are living organisms and viruses are not?

Only Bacteria can reproduce outside of a host.. Bacteria are made of cells

What is a difference between bacteria and viruses shows that bacteria are living organisms and viruses are not?

Bateria are made of cells APEX~:)

What is a difference between bacteria and viruses that shows that bacteria are living organism and viruses are not?

Bateria are made of cells APEX~:)

Which is a difference between bacteria and viruses that shows that bacteria are living organisms and viruses are not-?

A bacteria is a unicellular microorganism while a virus is a submicroscopic particle.

Which is different between bacteria and viruses that shows that bacteria are living organisms and viruses are not?

Viruses require a living organism to do anything - most especially to reproduce.

Which difference between bacteria and viruses shows that bacteria are living organisms and viruses are not?

Viruses require a living organism to do anything - most especially to reproduce.

How can you tell the difference between bacteria and viruses?

The difference is that viruses are smaller than bacteria. One more major difference is that bacteria are living things whereas viruses are non living things.