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This is from my year 13 Biology

DNA is transcribed in the nucleus

mRNA strands made

mRNA travels to cytoplasm

mRNA translation happens on ribosomes making codons

tRNA makes the complementary anticodons for the sequences

proteins are coded for with the amino acids

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the protein leaves the rough endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi Apparatus where it modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and other materials from the endoplasmic reticulum for storage in the cell or release outside the cell

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Q: What are the six steps in the synthesis of proteins?
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How many steps are there in protein synthesis?

6 steps in the synthesis of proteins

How many process occurs in proteins synthesis?

The steps in protein synthesis are Transcription, Modification and Packaging, and lastly Translation.

What is involved in the synthesis of proteins?

RNA is involved in the synthesis of proteins.

Where does synthesis of membrane proteins and secretory proteins happen?

Synthesis of proteins occurs in the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum.

What is protein synthesis-?

Protein synthesis is the process by which proteins are made in the body.

Do enzymes produce proteins?

Enzyme are not producing proteins but they catalyses the steps in proteins synthesis. Proteins are produced in ribosomes by amino acids and RNA molecules such as tRNA and mRNA. Enzyme such as peptidyl synthetase catalyse the prptide bond formation between amino acids.

What is the degradation and synthesis of protein called?

denaturation for degradation synthesis: first step is Transcription, The second step is Translation; there are additional steps (post-translational modifications) after that the polypeptide is formed including the formation of 3D conformation

The synthesis of these proteins is primarily directed by?

Proteins play a vital role in all cells. In fact, cells need thousands of proteins in order to function properly. The synthesis of these proteins is primarily directed by

Sites of proteins synthesis?


Where do the proteins assembled?

Proteins are made on ribosomes. They are the site of protein synthesis

What aids in the synthesis of proteins?

Proteins are synthesized in the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum.

Proteins are synthesized at what organelle in the cytosol?

The Ribosomes. The "Work Benches" of the protein synthesis.