

Best Answer

1.Eat little to live longer.

2.Eat more to live stronger

3.TAKE non-veg once a weak or twice month.

4.Exercise 2hr a day .

5.Spend little time in electronic goods

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Q: What are the seven habits of healthy living?
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Jean Storlie has written: 'Snacking habits for healthy living' -- subject(s): Nutrition, Snack foods 'Snacking Habits for Healthy Living (Nutrition Now)'

How can you live a healthy living lifestyle?

Living a healthy lifestyle invoves eating a healthy diet, regular exercise, proper sleep, avoiding or managing excess stress, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding bad habits like smoking and excess alcohol, having a healthy attitude, etc.

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The Mayo Clinic Diet is a weight loss and lifestyle program developed by the Mayo Clinic. The goal is to help you lose weight by teaching you healthy eating habits and healthy living habits. I was very lucky with this clinic.The Mayo Clinic Diet is a weight loss and lifestyle program developed by the Mayo Clinic. The goal is to help you lose weight by teaching you healthy eating habits and healthy living habits. I was very lucky with this clinic.The Mayo Clinic Diet is a weight loss and lifestyle program developed by the Mayo Clinic. The goal is to help you lose weight by teaching you healthy eating habits and healthy living habits. I was very lucky with this clinic. h ttp s: // (just remove spaces, it's an affiliate ling but it's a great deal with coupon codes) // (just remove spaces, it's an affiliate ling but it's a great deal with coupon codes)

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They have many living habits like eating,sleeping,movement.their like humans habits

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feeding , breeding and living habits of rhino

What prevents heartattack?

Eating healthy food, having healthy habits.

Do you have a healthy habits?

Yes! My healthy habit is having a balanced meal everyday.

How does one promote healthy sleep habits for a happy child?

There are many ways for one to promote healthy sleep habits for a happy child. One can promote healthy sleep habits for a happy child by rewarding a child for sleeping enough hours with small prizes or stickers.

What healthy habits to the nervous system healthy?

exercise your nervous system on a daily basis

Slogans on good food habits in day to day life?

eat healthy be healthy

When Considering the following magazine titles. Which one would be recommended by a nutritionist?

"Healthy Living Today" would likely be recommended by a nutritionist as it implies a focus on overall well-being, which often includes promoting healthy eating habits.

How does early healthy habits improve your health?

Early healthy habits improve your health because you'll be fit and by eating the right things it is less likely for you to get sick.