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First to the stop, first to go. Yield to the left. Absolutely WRONG 4 ways means you must stop and proceed one at the time safely. It has nothing to do with first or last. There maybe one car on each stop and a long line to one stop sign it means you must wait your turn until it is your turn to safely proceed.

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Whoever gets there first. If two cars tie, the one to right goes first.

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Q: What are the right of way rules at a four way stop?
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If more than one vehicle is approaching a four-way stop?

If more the one vehicle is approaching a four-way stop following the rules of right of way. First to stop is the first vehicle to proceed. Farthest to the right is the first to go. Straight traffic goes first.

Who has the right of way at a four way stop?

Whoever arrives first has the right of way

Where do you usually find yellow right-of-way signs posted?

At a four way stop

If more than one vehicle is approaching a four way stop and you are the first one to get there and stop do you have the right to move forward first?

Yes, the first vehicle to arrive at a 4-way stop has the right of way. If two vehicles arrive at the same time, defer to the vehicle to your right. If there is no vehicle to your right, you have the right of way.

What are the 13 right-of-way rules?

At a four way intersection with four stop signs, the first driver there has the right of way. At this same intersection, if you arrive at the same time as a driver beside you, the person to the right has right of way. At a two stop sign intersection, the drivers on the cross street with no stop sign have right of way. The first person to either stop sign has right of way. If you arrive at the stop sign at the same time as someone across with a stop sign and one of you is turning left, the other person has the right of way. At a T intersection with no stop sign, the person at the top of T has right of way. Any person on the road has right of way over anyone coming out of a driveway or parking lot. A person going forward has right of way over a driver going in reverse. A driver on the freeway has right of way over those merging onto freeway. A driver in their lane has right of way over a driver making a lane change into their lane. A driver with a green light, going straight, has right of way over drivers or pedestrians crossing the street. At an intersection with no signs or signals, a driver to the right has right of way. At an intersection with no signal lights a pedestrian has right of way. *These are based on the laws in the state of Oregon. Other states and territories may be slightly different.

If you have right of way and hit another car at a four way intersection who is at fault?

More than likely, the other person is at fault because when you have the right of way, then they should stop. Specifically, if you came to a full stop and the other came to a rolling stop and hit you, then they are at fault. Usually if both of you stop at the same time, the person on the right has the right of way.

When two vehicles approach a four way stop sign intersection at right angles to each other and at the same time?

The vehicle to the right has right-of-way.

What are the rules for a stop sign?

The rules for a stop sign are that you must come to a full stop before entering the intersection, give right-of-way to any other traffic, and then proceed only when the way is clear. If there is a stop line, you must stop before that line. If you cannot see oncoming traffic from that stop line, then you must also stop prior to entering the intersection.

What rules should you follow when pedestrians are in the vicinity?

If all traffic must stop at a 4 way intersection the driver may proceed after a complete stop and after yeilding to any vehicle

Four way stop adjacent cars who has the right of way?

yes you can go to the right after you stop... The driver who arrives at the intersection first has the right to proceed first. When two drivers on perpendicular paths arrive at the intersection simultaneously, the driver to the right (from the drivers' point of view) has the right to proceed first.

When two cars approach a four-way stop which car has to yield the right-of-way?

usually the car to the right gets the right of way, but, why be childish? yield, it takes all of about 3-5 seconds to clear an intersection.peace thru evolution.let's try to evolve a little each day.individually, we can make a difference.together, we can make a world

If traffic light stop working what do you do?

The standard reply from law enforcement is to treat the intersection as a four way stop.