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East and West. From the East comes the Northeast Monsoon from November to April, the dry season. From the West comes the Southwest Monsoon from April to December, the wet season with rains and typhoons.

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Q: What are the prevailing wind systems in the Philippines?
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What are the wind systems that affect Philippines?

The natural and physical factors are the wind systems that affect the Philippines. Mountains and tall buildings affect the wind systems.

What are the wind systems of the Philippines?


What are the zonal wind systems?

There are four basic zones, or wind systems, at Earth's surface in each hemisphere. They are polar easterlies, prevailing westerlies, doldrums, and trade winds

What wind systems move air from about 30 to 60 north or south latitude?

Prevailing westerlies

What are major wind systems that follow similar patterns over time called?

Major wind systems that follow similar patterns over time are known as prevailing winds.

What are the three major global wind systems?

There are four basic zones, or wind systems, at Earth's surface in each hemisphere. They are polar easterlies, prevailing westerlies, doldrums, and trade winds

What does prevailing winds mean?

prevailing wind means where the wind comes from which is the north west of the sea

What is the name of most surface wind systems?

Trade Winds,Prevailing Westerlies,and Polar Easterlies

How does a prevailing wind comes from effect the moisture of a prevailing wind?

it is a cold frunt that will make it do that

What is kent's prevailing wind?

The prevailing wind in Kent UK is generally acknowledged to be South Westerly.

What is the prevailing wind direction in Delaware?

In Delaware the major wind belt is the prevailing westerlies. Therefore the wind travels west to east.

What is prevailing wind direction in Leeward Islands Caribbean in December?

The prevailing wind is blowing directly towards the islands. This means that they are in the Lee of the wind.