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Well if you follow this formula you will know ....


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Q: What are the physical and chemical properties of ionic bonding?
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The ability to dissolve in water and to conduct electricity are examples of what?

These are examples of physical properties.

What happens in chemistry?

Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, and its interactions. It explores topics such as chemical bonding between elements (ionic and molecular), classification of the periodic table, electron configuration, physical and chemical properties of matter, and the like. Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, and its interactions. It explores topics such as chemical bonding between elements (ionic and molecular), classification of the periodic table, electron configuration, physical and chemical properties of matter, and the like.

What is the chemical bonding of sodium azide?

sodium azide is ionic bonding.

What are the main types of chemical bonds?

There are three main types of chemical bonds. The main types are; ionic bonding, covalent bonding and polar covalent bonding.

What is a property of metals?

Physical properties of metals include: luster, malleability, and ductility. Chemical properties include: forming cations, and reacting with nonmetals to form ionic compounds.

What is the two kinds of chemical bonding?

ionic and covalent:)

What is a chemical bond formed by atoms losing or gaining electrons called?

This chemical bonding is called ionic bonding.

Is the formation of salt a chemical or physical change?

The formation of a salt is a chemical change. It is the result of the ionic bonding of a positive metal ion and a negative non-metal ion.

How many types of chemical bonding and which?

Chemical bonds are: ionic, covalent, intermetallic.

Is ionic the weakest chemical bonding?

No, it is the strongest. Covalent is the weakest.

What type of chemical bonding is in sodium hypochlorite?

Ionic bond

What is it called when different elements join to form a substance?

When different elements join to form a substance, it is called a chemical reaction or a chemical bonding process. During this process, atoms of different elements combine and rearrange to create a new substance with different properties. This can occur through various types of bonding such as ionic bonding, covalent bonding, or metallic bonding.