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Q: What are the harmful effect of mucus in the body?
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What grows on the mucus that can be harmful?

bacteria grows

When a person breathes cigarette smoke cilia are damaged and much more mucus is produced What will the consequences of this?

because the ciliated cell helps to keep the body from inhaleing harmful things but when this organ is damaged the body will start inhaleing substances which could damage the heart and lungs because of the extra mucus which the ciliated cell will find it diffucult to work with.

How emphysema has effect your body?

C.O.P.D effects your body greatly. It blocks the airways of the lungs with thick mucus, making it difficult for the sufferer to breathe

How is smoking harmful to your lungs?

Your lungs are the reasons you body has Oxygen. In your lungs, we do produce mucus, which we cough up because of the cilia in our lungs. Smoking causes this cilia to not move the mucus out of your lungs which in turn causes problems.

Is mucus bad to the the body?

No, Mucus Is Not Bad For your body because it is all around your body!

Why do human rectums ooze fluids?

Humans often secrete mucus as they defecate to help move the stool out of the body, acting as a lubricant. This is especially the case if the stool is very hard, softer stools need less mucus to help them get passed out of the body. Also, the mucus protects the rectum, as well as the entire colon, from damage caused by harmful bacteria.

What effect does carbon manoxide have on the body?

It puts harmful chemicals into your blood cells, it also suffocates you and your body dies quicker.

Does ayahausca have any harmful effects on the body?

No! Ayahuasca has no Harmful effect on the body, moreover it's non-toxic and non-addictive.

What closes off the uterus to harmful bacteria and other sperm after the fertilization of an egg?

The mucus plug, thick mucus in the cervical canal, does that to some extent, but it doesn't completely close out harmful bacteria.

What is the definition to toxin?

A toxin is a substance that is toxic or poisonous. That is, it has a harmful effect on body systems or organs.

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How did feces become stinky?

It made up of waste food that cannot be digested, mucus and dead tissues from within the body plus an harmful agents life bacteria