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the pop. has fallen by a little amount....

is ''very'' effective

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Q: What are the good points of one child poicy in china?
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Was the one child policy good for china?


What are good causes for living in china as a child?

One good cause could be that you were born in China. Another good cause could be that your parents (or somebody else) took you to China.

Why is it good that china has a one child policy?

because that helps in the management of the population of the country..

Why is china's one child policy good?

China is already an overpopulated country and this policy stops it from reaching the poverty mark. It also controls the population and improves the living standards of China.

How do you like China?

Why would you not like China? Every country has good and bad points. I love working in China, the people are nice and there is very little crime. What else do you need? You should visit and see for yourself.

What are the good points on china's one child policy?

if there were too many people in China then there would not be enough food, water, and shelter. If there wasn't enough room then you would have to build more houses resulting in loss of land, and more pollution, so putting the one child policy into action will help minimise the risk of over populating and unnecessary loss of land.

Why did some people in china consider the 1 child policy a good idea?

to keep the bursting population in control

What are the different opinions people hold about china's one child policy?

People can believe very different things about China's one-child policy. Some people think it is good for decreasing population . Others think it can be against religion.

Is 127 IQ good for a twelve year old?

Yes that is really good!! Your child is 27 IQ points above the average 12 year old.

Is China's one child policy good?

No. It is not good, because with this policy more baby girls can be killed, abounded, or even sold. So no the 1 child policy is not good. My opinion is that they should just get rid of the one child policy.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes. This policy was good especially for China but also for the world; the globepopulationis too high, you shouldlower.Our resourcesare not infinite.A crisis of oil, gas, water, foods, etc. exist now; and the pollution is exaggerate.

Is the one child policy good or bad for China's economy?

the one child policy is actually good for the economy because parents don't have to spend so much money on so many kids. so that money is saved and that is definitely good for the economy.

What discipline should i give my child?

what my mom used to do to me when i was a child, was she had a chart and points. every time i was good or did something good she gave me a point. when i got to 15 she gave me a small prize. when i was bad, i got a point taken away.