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takte...buisit ala nmang kwenta ala akong makita tang ina lng busit arghhh.....wahahaha censya sa sagot ko nakaka BV kasi ehh hirap hirap ng assignment ala nman akong makitang sagot >_<

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Q: What are the examples of printmaking in the Philippines during the spanish period?
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What is print making during spanish period?

printmaking during spanish period

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plz anxwer

What is the example of printmaking during spanish period in the Philippines?

Tae gagao putang imna ,kajkcdkfobl;bnmtrlhb kgvbhj9oggvcjklheki bhnxfklgvrsdoucf hewfgvjkfbn .hrfh b bvn iuhx

Who was in power during the Spanish Period in the Philippines?

Philip II was in power during the Spanish Period in the Philippines. (that's why Philippines)

What is the history of printmaking in the Philippines during the pre-hespanic times?

olok boto iyot bogo ang ni basa

What is a Royal Audiencia?

The Royal Audiencia was the highest court in the Philippines during the Spanish period

When was the spanish influence extremely in the Philippines?

Spanish influence was extremely strong in the Philippines during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

American governor of Philippines during the Spanish American War?

William Howard Taft was the first US Civil Governor of the Philippines, but he got that appointment AFTER the Spanish-American War. There was no American governor f the Philippines during the Spanish-American War because until the war was over the Philippines were a Spanish possession and had a Spanish governor.

When was the Spanish influence extremely strong in the Philippines?

Spanish influence was extremely strong in the Philippines during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

The laws of the Philippines made by whom during Spanish?

The laws of the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period were created by the Spanish Crown and the Spanish colonial authorities in consultation with the Church. These laws were aimed at governing the colony and ensuring Spanish control over the territory.

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