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Not sure how to answer this as scientific theories are not subject to the law but are supported by overwhelming evidence. The only time that evolution or the theory that supports it is in a court of law is when some public school somewhere, or some state somewhere tries to introduce religion into the classroom disguised inder the terms creation " science : or intelligent design.

There is no theory of evolution put forward by Charles Darwin that includes intelligent design. If fact the theory of evolution by natural selection is the antithesis of intelligent design.

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Charles Darwin did not propose the theory of intelligent design. His theory of evolution by natural selection is supported by evidence such as fossil records, comparative anatomy, embryology, and molecular genetics. Intelligent design is a concept that suggests certain features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, which is not considered scientific by the majority of the scientific community.

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What did Charles Darwin do video?

Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who is known for developing the theory of evolution through natural selection. His book "On the Origin of Species" published in 1859, presented evidence for the idea that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors. Darwin's work revolutionized the scientific understanding of the diversity of life on Earth.

What was the mystery of mysteries by Charles Darwin?

The "mystery of mysteries" referred to by Charles Darwin was the origin of species, or the mechanism by which new species arise and evolve over time. Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, presented in his seminal work "On the Origin of Species," provided an explanation for this mystery.

Who developed the theroy of evolution?

Charles Darwin is widely credited with developing the theory of evolution through natural selection. His landmark book, "On the Origin of Species," published in 1859, presented evidence for how species change over time through a process of adaptation to their environment.

Is Charles Darwin contradict the theory of evolution?

No, Charles Darwin did not contradict the theory of evolution. In fact, he is considered one of the founders of the theory with his work on natural selection. Darwin's research provided evidence and a framework for understanding how species change over time through the process of evolution.

What evidence is there now to support Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?

There is overwhelming evidence in various scientific fields such as genetics, paleontology, comparative anatomy, and molecular biology that supports Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Fossil records show transitional forms, genetic similarities between related species, and observations of natural selection in action provide strong evidence for the theory. Additionally, the discovery of new species and their relationships through evolutionary relationships further supports Darwin's theory.

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Who presented the theory of evoloution through natural selection?

Charles Darwin

Who was presented the theory of evolution?

The theory of evolution was presented by Charles Darwin in his book "On the Origin of Species" published in 1859. Darwin proposed that species evolve over time through natural selection, which is now widely accepted as the mechanism for how species change and adapt to their environment.

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No evidence at all and much evidence given by Charles Darwin's children that Lady Hope was a complete fraud.

What did Charles Darwin do video?

Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who is known for developing the theory of evolution through natural selection. His book "On the Origin of Species" published in 1859, presented evidence for the idea that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors. Darwin's work revolutionized the scientific understanding of the diversity of life on Earth.

What did Darwin invented?

If by Darwin you're referring to Charles Darwin, he's not known to have invented anything. Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who through study and observation presented the theory of "Natural Selection" which is the basis for the modern theory of evolution.

Who was the discoverer of the theory of natural selection?

Charles Darwin is credited as the discoverer of the theory of natural selection. Darwin's work on evolution through natural selection was presented in his book "On the Origin of Species," published in 1859.

Which British naturalist presented his evolutionary theory of Natural Selection in 1859?

Charles Darwin

What evidence did Charles Darwin have in the development of his ideas?

The 13 Galapagos finches.

When did Charles Darwin eat the owl?

There is no evidence to suggest that Charles Darwin ate an owl. Charles Darwin was a British naturalist known for his contributions to the theory of evolution by natural selection. This is likely a made-up or mistaken story.

Did Charles Darwin retract his ideas of evolution?

No, Charles Darwin did not retract his ideas of evolution. His theory of evolution by natural selection remains a cornerstone of modern biology and is supported by extensive scientific evidence.

What is Darwin's name closely associated with?

Charles Darwin is most closely associated with the theory of evolution, which he originally presented in his famous book, "The Origin Of Species".

What was the name of the islands that Charles Darwin gathered most of his evidence?

Galapagos Islands