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UV rays have shorter wavelength (higher frequency) than infrared rays.

Both of them are examples of a whole bunch of different kinds of rays called electromagnetic 'radiation'.

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Q: What are the differences between uv rays electromagnetic rays and infrared rays?
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What is the physical variable at the origin of the differences between infrared rays and visible light?

The frequency/wavelength of the electromagnetic waves that comprise them is.

What is the difference between infrared ray and gamma rays?

The main difference between gamma rays and infrared rays is in their wavelengths. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths while infrared rays have longer wavelengths. Gamma and infrared rays are types of electromagnetic radiation.

What does belong in the electromagnetic spectrum?

uhm I guess infrared rays

How are X-ryas and infrared rays alike?

Infrared and x, or roentgen, rays are both part of the electromagnetic spectrum, of diffrent wave-lengths, infrared 'above' and x-rays 'below' what is part of the visible part.

Where on the electromagnetic spectrum is visible light found?

In terms of frequencies, visible light is situated above radio and heat, below x-rays and gamma rays, immediately between ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

What are 2 electromagnetic waves besides light?

Xrays, gamma rays, microwaves, ultraviolet rays, radiowaves and infrared rays.

What is the difference between gamma rays and infrared rays?

An "alpha ray" is not actually a ray at all, as a ray usually means "electromagnetic radiation". The closest yo can get to that is a stream of alpha particles. Alpha particles are helium nuclei (two protons and two neutrons bound together) stripped of their electrons; because they are heavy and relatively slow, they can be stopped typically by a sheet of paper. Infra red rays are electromagnetic radiation, like light or radio, at a frequency which we perceive as "heat".

Rays in electromagnetic spectrum?

Radio waves, Infrared rays, Visible white light, Ultra violet rays, X-rays, Gamma rays

What are Microwaves infrared waves and gamma rays are all examples of?

Electromagnetic radiation.

What is spectra?

The electromagnetic spectrum is the name for the range of electromagnetic waves when they are placed in order of increasing frequency. The electromagnetic spectrum is made up of radio waves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays.

Are x-rays infrared rays?

No, they are a more energetic type of electromagnetic radiation found beyond the blue end of the visible spectrum. Infrared rays are also electromagnetic but have much less energy and longer wavelengths and are found beyond the red end of the visible spectrum.

How do infrared rays affect your environment?

Infrared rays are a part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is the range of electromagnetic radiation, so if put in the hands of the human industry with weaponising and telescopes and the DVD's it is bad for the environment and is what is effecting the changes of climate through its radiational effect. Infrared rays affect the environment by giving of radiation, causing cancer etc.