An atlas is essentially a book of maps or a book of plates/tables illustrating any subject.
An encyclopedia is a series of books giving information, usually arranged alphabetically, on ALL branches of knowledge.
An encyclopedia provides comprehensive information on a wide range of topics, while a dictionary focuses on defining words and their meanings. Encyclopedias often include in-depth articles and references, while dictionaries primarily focus on language and definitions. Additionally, encyclopedias can cover topics beyond language, such as history, science, and culture.
the encyclopedia gives information from either all branches of knowledge while the dictionary is a collection of words in a specific language listed alphabetically, with definition, etymologies, phonetics, pronunciation, abbreviations and other information and encyclopedias have volumes of books while dictionaries don't.
A dictionary is a book which contains words and their meanings, origins and what part of grammar they are such as noun or verb. An encyclopedia is a set of books, usually one book for each letter of the alphabet, which contains information about famous people both historical and those still living, countries, animals, and many other topics. Nowadays people seem to go to the internet for their questions as the volume of knowledge contained there far exceeds that of any set of encyclopedias that you could have in your home and is much quicker than going to the Library. Also the Internet is constantly updated but a set of books will become outdated very quickly.
A dictionary provides a basic definition for a given word. An encyclopedia provides basic information for a given topic, such as a specific person (depending on the encyclopedia).
Encyclopedia or dictionary? Alphabetically.
Some of the categories of Information provided in The Free Dictionary are Dictionary/Thesaurus, Medical Dictionary, Legal Dictionary and Financial Dictionary. There are also the Acronyms, Idioms and Encyclopedia and Wikipedia Encyclopedia Categories in The Free Dictionary.
Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia while a plain encyclopedia is on paper.
the first living creature in the dictionary is an aardvark
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines an encyclopedia as:A comprehensive reference work containing articles on a wide range of subjects or on numerous aspects of a particular field, usually arranged alphabetically.In these days of instant Internet research, many people have forgotten (or never even knew) the differences between an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an almanac, an atlas, etc.To read more on the ins and outs of the fascinating world of encyclopedias, see via the Related Link.
In the Dictionary, encyclopedia or Thesaurus.
In the Dictionary, encyclopedia or Thesaurus.
Useful resources are the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( ) and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (
It is a portmanteau word combining an encyclopedia, a dictionary and an almanac.
thesaurus: gives synonyms dictionary: brief definitions encyclopedia: definition plus etymology plus discussion, history, general information, etc.; including articles on people, places, events etc.