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Q: What are the common elements present in the all planets?
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Do all planets have carbon dioxcide?

Probably. Carbon dioxide is a fairly stable gas, formed from common elements, so it's likely that CO2 will be found on most planets.

Is ozone air present on all planet?

No it is not. Ozone is not present on all planets.

What do all the outer planets have common?

They have in common is that they are the last planets in the solar system


they al are outer planets.

Do the planets have water?

Water in some form has been discovered on most if not all the solar planets. This is not terribly surprising, since water is composed of the two most common reactive elements in the universe. (Helium is more common than oxygen, but it is not reactive.)

Which group of planets has more in common the inner planets or the outer planets?

All the inner planets are terrestrial planets.

How many planets are contain of carbonhydrogenarsenicoxygenneonhelium... iron?

All of the planets in this solar system contain all of those elements, and it is quite likely that every planet throughout the galaxy is likely to contain all of these elements.

What characteristics do all outer planets have in common?

they al are outer planets.

Which element is common in mythology but is not found in all fiction?

Gods and goddesses are common in mythology but not always present in all fiction.

What do the larger planets in common?

Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are all gas planets.

What feature do all the inner planets have in common?

None of the inner planets have rings.

What are the outer planets have in common?

They all have rings