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Alka Seltzer is primarily sodium bicarbonate. The bubbles form from the chemical reaction of sodium bicarbonate and water. The release of the bubbles cause the tablet to break down and dissolve.

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Q: What are the bubbles that form when Alka Seltzer is dissolved in water?
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What does Alka-Seltzer do to soda?

Alka-Seltzer: aspirin + citric acid + sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3) Soda: carbonated water (carbon dioxide dissolved in water)

Is Alka-Seltzer dissolved in water a heterogeneous mixture?

No a seltzer has a gas phase and a liquid phase so its heterogeneous.

What is in apple juice that dissolves alka seltzer?

Water. You did know that alka-seltzer dissolves in water, right?

How fast does alka-seltzer dissolve in water?

Alka Seltzer dizzolves in 33.1 sedonds

What is the solvent and solute in seltzer water?

The solute is alka seltzer and the solvent is water.

Why alka-seltzer in vinegar produces more bubbles than alka-seltzer in water?

Because vinegar is acidic and water neutral, alka-seltzer will produce a better reaction in vinegar. This is because the alka-seltzer is basic with a ph of approx. 9.2 and vinegar is acidic with around 4 I think. Water has a ph of 7 making it neutral, and the higher the difference in numbers on ph scale, the bigger reaction(provided one is acidic(below 7) and one is basic(above 7)).

What causes an exothermic reaction with alka seltzer?

Alka-Seltzer contains aspirin, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and citric acid. When placed in water, the tablet dissolves. The citric acid reacts with the baking soda, and gives off carbon dioxide, which makes bubbles in the water. If you have heartburn, that is caused by too much stomach acid. The baking soda in an Alka-Seltzer counteracts the stomach acid.

Is water still water after dropping Alka seltzer in it?


Is seltzer liquid solid or gas?

Seltzer water is a liquid. Alka-Seltzer is a solid mixture.

Does Alka-Seltzer dissolve better in hot water or cold water?

All solutes (e.g. Alka-Seltzer) dissolve better in a warmer solvent (e.g. water).

What is the pH of alka seltzer?

The pH of alka seltzer is approximately 9.2 on the pH scale. Source: Challney High School For Boys Luton Investigation for Neutralistaion

What dissolves alka seltzer quicker water or pepsi?

water water