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Q: What are the Characteristics of creative thinker and critical thinker?
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What does creative and critical thinker means?

magaling at pogi si Joshua amorado

What does creative thinker mean?

creative thinker means someone with lots of ideas imaginative

What are the 6 stages of critical thinking?

The Unreflective Thinker, The Challenged Thinker, The Beginning Thinker, The Practicing Thinker, The Advance Thinker, The Master Thinker

One who is able to think quickly?

Quick-thinker, philosopher, creative thinker, intellectual

What at is the question that preesent the most challenge to a critical thinker?

The question that would present the most challenge to a critical thinker would be a question that does not require critical thinking, but rather feeling. A question that requires an emotional response from the heart and has no right or wrong answer would be difficult for a critical thinker.

What are the characteristics of scientists?

curious, positive thinker, analytical, open-mindedness, creative, objectivity,intelectual honesty, accuracy. God Bless :)

How do you change this sentence to a exclamatory sentence Edison was a creative thinker?

be creative like Edison

How do you becoming a critical Thinker?

go to a college and take a course in critical thinking

How was Henry VIII a critical thinker?

i dony know

What do you call a person who is a creative thinker?

A genius (smart a.s.s)

Which characteristic is part of good critical thinkers?

A good critical thinker will not stick to an original assumption.

Which characteristic is not part of good critical thinkers?

A good critical thinker will not stick to an original assumption.