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There are several ways that the Civil Rights Organizations challenged segregation:

1) Legal Suits: Many Civil Rights groups brought cases of unequal treatment to federal courts that could overrule discriminatory state laws on the Constitutional Requirement of Due Process (Amend. XIV).

2) Get New Laws Passed: The Civil Rights Movement helped Congress to pass the landmark Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 which greatly increased the rights that Blacks had to challenge segregation laws.

3) Sit-In Protests: Blacks would go to an establishment (usually an eatery or a movie theatre) where the patrons would refuse to serve "their kind" and not move from their seats until hauled out of them by police. This made the establishment lose money from not serving these customers and forced Whites to see what discrimination looked like.

4) Marches: Blacks would have marches and protests to clamor for rights. Some of these events would begin or culminate with important speeches setting out the dreams and ideals of the Civil Rights Movement.

5) Boycotts: Certain sectors of the economy relied heavily on Blacks, even while discriminating against them, like the public bus services. In order to pressure these groups into more compliance, Blacks boycotted these services and found other ways to get around the problem.

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The NAACP won a number of important cases, including Brown v. Board of Education, (1954).

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