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Thee are three theories:

1) spin-off:when Earth was young and still cooling, a piece of Earth broke off at the eqautor while Earth was spinning rapidly

2)Capture-Earth captures a passing moon

3)Collision- A planet (orpheus) collided with Earth, creating fragments. The fragements came back together creating the new Earth with a moon. This is the accepted theory.

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The leading theory for the origin of Earth's moon is the Giant Impact Hypothesis, which suggests that a Mars-sized body collided with the early Earth, leading to the debris from this impact forming the moon. Other theories include the Capture Hypothesis, which proposes that the moon was formed elsewhere in the solar system and was then captured by Earth's gravity, and the Fission Hypothesis, which suggests that the moon was once part of the Earth and broke off due to centrifugal forces.

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Q: What are some theories that are used to explain the origin of the earths moon?
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Some scientific theories explaining the origin of Earth include the nebular hypothesis, which suggests that the solar system formed from a rotating disk of gas and dust, and the giant impact hypothesis, which proposes that the Moon formed from debris created by a collision between Earth and a Mars-sized protoplanet. Other theories include the core accretion model for planet formation and the theory of planetary migration.

Name and discuss the hypothesis for the origin of the Earths moon?

There are several theories out there for the formation of the moon. The current most widely accpeted one is called the Giant Impact Hypothesis. The basic idea is that at some point after the young earth had formed but while the surface was still molten a Mars sized object collided with Earth and the material ejected and began orbiting the Earth. This material later formed the Moon.

Theory of the origin of the moon?

There are many theories to the creation of the moon. One theory is that it is a part of the Earth. Part of the molten earth that pulled away, but got caught in the gravitational pull of Earth.

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Discuss briefly the 4 theories on the origin of the moon?

The Fission Theory suggests the moon broke off from the Earth due to its high speed of rotation. The Capture Theory proposes the moon was a separate object captured by the Earth's gravity. The Condensation Theory posits that the Earth and moon accreted from the same material in the early solar system. The Giant Impact Theory suggests a Mars-sized object collided with Earth, ejecting material that formed into the moon.

How is the moon so big?

Present theories suggest that the moon was formed when proto-earth and another mars sized body collided. The splatter from the impact coalesced into the moon (which was much closer in to the earth at this point. Since then the moon has mooved farther form the earth as it has slowed the earths rate of spin.

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Scientists n there theories are uncertain still of how the moon formed about'

Which answer is not one of the three theories of the Moon formation?

There are three main theories of how the moon came into existence. The theories are as follows: the moon was captured by Earth's gravitational pull, the moon was originally part of the earth's crust, or the earth and moon formed together out of the primordial nebula.