

What are some plant's adaptations in coniferous forests?

Updated: 11/15/2021
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7y ago

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the coniferous tree is adapted by having needle shaped leaves to hold ore water. and they stay on the tree all year round.
Forests (coniferous, boreal, and tropical) have evolved over millennia adapting to changes. The term "forest" is more than just the trees, it is the community of animals, plants, soils, microfungi, insects, floods, diseases etc. The disruptions that occurred periodically were fires, windstorms, climate change, insect or disease outbreaks. Fires created openings in the forest for new plants growth. The succulent new growth brought herbivores to forage which in turn, brought in predators to feed on the herbivores.

An example of a change brought on by an animal is a beaver's dam. The beaver will dam a stream. This floods the surrounding vegetation. The flooding drowns and kills the trees and grasses, forbs and shrubs. Over time the dam collects silt and begins filling in the dammed area. Grasses colonize the edges and increase the siltation rate. The area eventually becomes a meadow. The meadow, in turn, has trees encroach on its boundary and it begins to fill in with trees. Eventually, the trees recolonize the area. The beavers meanwhile have dammed another stream and the cycle repeats.

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Kathryn Lebsack

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Q: What are some plant's adaptations in coniferous forests?
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