There are many funny songs about animals such as "Who let the dogs out?" One can find more funny songs by looking at the websites Loony Music or Song Drops.
toilet bowl by lil Wayne
One song that is popular, annoying and funny for people of all ages: Witchdoctor - Cartoons. The Cartoons have loads of other funny songs on their album. It's well worth checking out.
anything by steel panther i found hillarous
Traditionally funny birthday songs include He (or She) is a Jolly Good Fellow, and variants of the classic "Happy Birthday" that substitute the existing language/stanzas for ones that are more risque.
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer, I Want an Alien for Christmas, and We Wish You Weren't Living with Us. All of them are funny Christmas songs. There are many more funny Christmas songs still being made.
no you are not funny beyonca
No, funny in French is 'amusant'
The movie Let's Eat Funny Food Songs has the song the "Most Important Meal of the Day".
waffles is one and thats all i know
Serious songs like imagine by john Lennon have piano..... also there are some really funny songs by people like tom lehrer and Tim minchin with big piano solos