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The US Navy base at Norfolk Virginia has a storied past. As the US Civil War unfolded, the Union abandoned the navy base there and the Rebels occupied it. There they salvaged the USS Merrimack and from its hull created the ironclad, the CSS Virginia.The Confederates had to retreat from Norfolk and it fell again into US hands.

Currently the US Navy base at Norfolk is the largest naval base in the world.

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Q: What are some facts about the US navy base at Norfolk Virginia?
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Which state is navy located?

The Navy has many bases in the United States. The main ship base for the East Coast is located in Norfolk, Virginia.

What caused the Union to abandon the shipyards in Norfolk Virginia?

In late April, 1861, Union forces burned or sunk all the ships in their Norfolk, Virginia shipyards. This was an important navy base because of its location at the mouth of the James River. The Union believed this base was unable to be defended. They then abandoned Norfolk and the Confederates quickly took charge of the base.

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The only military base in the city of Norfolk itself is Norfolk Naval Station. Although in the Hampton Roads Metro area (Which is the metro area for Norfolk, Virginia Beach, et cet.) there is 1 army base, (Fort Eustis) 1 air force base, (Langley AFB) and 7 navy bases

Where were the iron plates for the CSS Virginia made?

Luckily for the South the iron plates needed to fit the new CSS Virginia into an ironclad were fairly close to the Norfolk navy base. The plates were manufactured by the Tredegar Iron works in Richmond, Virginia.

What is the address of the naval station Norfolk?

The Naval Station in Norfolk is located at 1530 Gilbert Street, Suite 2000 in Norfolk Virginia. This is the official location for anything to do with the Navy's Operations.

What happened in Norfolk during the civil war?

The US Navy yard at Norfolk, Virginia was seized by the Confederates, yielding many naval cannon which they used for years.

What caused the Confederates to abandon Norfolk Virginia?

Early in the US Civil War, the Confederacy too good advantage of the North's abandonment of the Norfolk, Virginia's naval base. They confiscated ammunition, cannons and raised the USS Merrimack into the CSS Virginia. The naval base would again change hands. In early May of 1862, McClellan's Peninsula campaign forces were finally making some headway towards their objective, Richmond, Virginia. This caused the Confederates to abandon the navy base that they had taken earlier when the North evacuated Norfolk. Losing this base was a set back for the South. It also meant that the CSS Virginia would no longer have a home port. Just as they had created the CSS Virginia from a scuttled Merrimack, the rebels had no choice to now destroy the ship lest it fall into Union hands.

Was uss Alabama in Pearl Harbor?

No...Alabama was built at Norfolk navy yard Virginia and commissioned in Aug 1942.

What was the first ironclad warship of the South renamed?

The first ironclad of the Confederacy was renamed "Virginia". She was built using the hull of the USS corvette "Merrimack" sunk by her crew when the Federal Navy evacuated the base and arsenal of Norfolk in 1861.

What were the names of the two first ironclad ships that went to battle?

The first two ironclads to engage in battle were the USS Monitor for the Union and the CSS Virginia for the Confederacy. The Virginia is also known as the Merrimack, the name it had before Virginia seceded and the US Navy abandoned Norfolk Navy Yard.

Where is navy college at?

There are numerous Navy College locations throughout the United States, as well as online. Some of the main Navy College locations include Naval Station Norfolk in Virginia, Naval Base San Diego in California, and Naval Station Great Lakes in Illinois. Additionally, there are Navy College offices located on many other naval bases and installations.