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A fragment is an incomplete sentence that cannot stand by itself. Rhetoric is the art of using language to persuade. Therefore, a rhetorical fragment is an incomplete sentence that is used for the purpose of persuading. Examples can be found on this website:

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  1. "As if!"
  2. "No way."
  3. "How could you?"
  4. "Never again."
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Q: What are some examples of a rhetorical fragment?
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What are examples of a rhetorical fragment?

Rhetorical fragments are incomplete sentences that are used in writing to persuade the reader, or to evoke some emotional response from the reader's perspective. They are sentence fragments used to emphasize a point.

What are examples of rhetorical questions about is homework helpful or harmful?

Some people think that homework is helpful

What are examples of rhetorical strategies?

Some examples are: Would you like to be treated this badly? or How would you feel if you lost someone you loved. These questions son't need an answer.

What are examples of persuasive devices?

Bias,Rhetorical questions,

What are 2 closed syllables with blends?

Examples are 'disrupt' and 'fragment'.

What are some Examples of rhetorical features?

metaphor, imagery, meter, rhyme, sound patterns, sonnet form,ethos tone,simile.....ect.

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Onomatopoeia is a rhetorical device. It is used to describe words that sound similar to what they are describing. Some examples are "boom," "hiss" and "splash."

Why are rhetorical devices important to writers or speakers who want to persuade?

A rhetorical device is a use of language that is intended to have an effect on its audience. Repetition, figurative language, and even rhetoricalquestions are all examples of rhetorical devices.

Examples of prejudicial use of rhetorical devices?

Prejudicial use of rhetorical devices can include using loaded language, such as labeling individuals or groups with negative terms to evoke a particular emotional response. It can also involve using sweeping generalizations or making hasty conclusions based on limited evidence to manipulate the audience's perceptions. Another example is employing fear tactics or appeals to emotions like hate or outrage to sway opinions without presenting a balanced argument.

Where can you find examples of meiosis?

For information on a) meiosis (medical) and b) examples of rhetorical statements see the related link below.

Example of sentence that have a fragment?

Fragment identifiers Some URIs refer to a location within a resource.

What is the term for a question that answers itself?

A rhetorical question is a question where the answer is implied by the questioner. This site has some good examples, and more detail: