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I think what you are talking about is "polyphony". Poly means many, so poly-phony has many sounds. This is as opposed to "monophony" where there is only one musical line going on at a time (mono=one).

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Layers in music, are layers of different instruments playing at different times (beats).

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layers of songs or melodies on top of other layers of songs or melodies e.g. Pachelbel's Canon

What element of music denotes its loudness or softness?

texture=amount of layers of music Timbre:what instruments are playing :)

What are the three different musical textures or layers of sound heard in choral music?

ion know shitt

What are three different musical textures or layers of sound heard in choral music?

ion know shitt

What does build up in texture in music mean?

It basically means to add lots of layers of sounds, as in, adding different instruments to get different textures of sound in the piece of music.

What refers to the many different layers of sound are heard at once?

Polyphony refers to the many different layers of sound that are heard at once in music. It is a musical texture that features multiple independent melody lines playing simultaneously.

What is colotomic structure?

Colotomic structure refers to the rhythmic framework used in traditional gamelan music from Indonesia. It involves dividing musical phrases into different layers or time cycles played by various instruments, each with its own distinct pattern and purpose. The combination of these layers creates a complex and interlocking rhythmic texture that is a defining characteristic of gamelan music.

What is layering in music?

layering is when you add more and more layers of different instruments on top of each other, creating a more tonal, diminished sound.

What is the principles of music?

The principles of music include melody, harmony, rhythm, dynamics, texture, and form. Melody refers to a sequence of notes that are musically coherent, harmony involves the combination of different notes played simultaneously, rhythm is the pattern of sounds and silences in music, dynamics refer to the loudness or softness of music, texture denotes the layers and density of sound, and form refers to the structure and organization of a piece of music.

The parts of music that music is made up of?

hi, music is made up of six concept's: duration, structure, dynamics, pitch, tone colour and texture. duration is the long and short parts in a piece of music structure is the sections in a piece of music and how there put together dynamics are the loud and soft parts in a piece of music pitch is the high and low sounds in a piece of music tone colour is the instruments or vocals in a piece of music and how there played texture is the layers of sound in a piece of music i hope that helps you :)

How do music CDs store information?

A CD (or compact disk) is made up from several layers of plastic, each doing its own function. If you take a microscope and take a look at a CD, you will notice this is true. Somewhere in the middle of all of these layers you will find the data layer (which is where the music is kept), and it is where the music is stored as digital information (data). Secondly there are the tracks of the disc, which is what the disc reader sees when it is reading it, and it does so through its optical eye, by using lasers to detect the data layer on the CD.