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Mutations that occur at a single point in the DNA sequence are Point Mutations.

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Q: What are known as gene mutations and occur at a single point in the DNA sequence?
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Mutations that occur at one single nitrogen base are referred to as?

Mutations that occur at one single nitrogen base are referred to as a point mutation.

What are mutations that occur at a single point?

Such mutations are called point mutation or gene mutation.

Name two major types of mutations?

Frameshift mutations and Point mutations. The difference between the two are that point mutations occur at a single point in the DNA sequence and frameshift mutations shift the "reading frame" of the genetic message.

Mutations that affect a single gene occur during?

Many things can cause mutations like Radiation,Changing habitat[eg.The Peppered moth],and of course by constant change from generation to generation.

Why does variation occurs?

Variation occurs because of mutations in the genetic code.Mutaions occur when one of the nitrogen bases are in the wrong spot like if aa is next to each other in the wrong sequence then the mutations occur

The order in which the actions occur is known as sequence of what?

Sequence of Events.

Are mutations in the DNA sequence gene transient changes?

Successful mutations will persist. Mutations usually occur during replication. Some mutations will flourish depending on environmental factors.

When does point mutation occur?

Bacic Answer:Point mutations occur when a single nucleotode is replaced with another nucleotide tide base. Insertion and come in this category.More Detail Answer:Point mutations occur when a single nucleotide is replaced with another nucleotide tide base. Insertion and come in this category. Error in the process of replication of DNA molecule results in point mutations. Sometimes heat of high level radiation cause the error in DNA replication. There are different effects of point mutations. if this type of mutation occurs in the sequence of DNA molecule or exon, then the protein sequence changes present in the gene. If the mutation occurs in the RNA effecting the codon of gene Sickle cell anemia is cause by the point mutations. Changes occur in the beta hemoglobin. it converts GAC sequence into GUG, Point mutation can be subdivided into three types:1) Nonsense mutations are the ones which code for the same amino acid.2) Misssense mutations occur in the genes which code for different amino acid.3)Silent mutations do not affect the function of the protein and code for different of same amino acid.

Mutations that occur at random are called?

Mutations that occur at random are called spontaneous mutations.

What are the impact of mutations and how mutations can have no impact?

Mutations are usually anomalies in the sequence of a particular strand of DNA. The change is the sequence can be of various kinds and their individual effects vary. Sometimes mutations occur but they are never expressed. In such cases, on the whole, the mutation has had no impact. Changes in a single nucleotide can change the reading frame for protein coding regions and can cause misreading of the genetic code. For example, nonsense mutations caused by the exchange of a nucleotide leading to a stop codon can cause truncation of a protein. On the other hand, we can have silent mutations which show no effect because the nucleotide that has been exchanged does not cause change in amino acid sequence. So this would be an example of a mutation which shows no effect.

Which of these statements represents a common misconception regarding point mutations?

mutations increase variety in a population. (apex)

Why do chromosome mutations occur most often during nuclear divisions?

Chromosome mutations occur during nuclear division because when the sequence of nucleotides are being placed substitutions, and frameshifts can occur, causing mutations. Substitution is when one nucleotide replaces another and frameshift mutation is when a nucleotide deletes, causing codons to be incorrectly read.