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The prediction will be highly probable if the experiment shows the explanation is correct.

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Q: What are experiments designed for?
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Do all experiments have a control?

All properly-designed experiments should have some sort of control.

Why is a experiment designed?

Scientist design experiments to test something.

How soft tools to statistically designed experiments with particular focus on design of new products?

soft toolsto satistically designed experiments with particular focus on design of new products

If a theory does not agree with the experiments designed to test it?

If a theory does not agree with the experiments designed to test it, than either the experiment is faulty and needs to be fixed or the theory needs to be reviewed and reconsidered..

Where did Albert Einstein do his experiments?

Actually, Albert Einstein did not do experiments. He was a theoretical physicist and worked out things mathematically. Other scientist designed or discovered ways of proving his theories.

Which variable of a well-designed experiments might be affected by the factor being tested?

dependent variable

How do you support a hypothesis?

You obtain objective evidence to support it by undertaking experiments designed to test the veracity of the hypothesis.

What types of experiments is an 88-inch cyclotron designed to perform?

Investigations involving charged particles, and bombardment of targets with them.

Two essential features of all statistically designed experiments are?

compare several treatments and use chance to assign subjects to treatments

If a theory does not agree with the experiments which were designed to test it what two choices to you have?

You either discard your theory, or you can modify it so that it matches the data you have collected.

Why scientists assume that experimental results can be reproduced reproduced?

Scientists assume that experimental results can be reproduced because they follow very specific steps when conducting experiments. These guidelines are known as the scientific method, and is designed so that experiments can be easily repeated and retested.

What have scientist learned from experiments designed to test the hypothesis that life arose from nonliving materials?

Life could have formed spontaneously on Earth from nonliving material.