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Q: What are examples of healthful risk behaviors?
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Why are healthful behaviors an important part of staying healthy?

Diet and exercise!

What are two examples of risk behaviors?

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High risk behaviors that spread HIV are unprotected sex and sharing needles.

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What is healthful behavior?

Health inhibiting behaviors is a nice way to refer to bad habits. These are things like smoking and drinking.

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What is risk behaviors?

Risk Behavior: An action that potentiating threatens your health or the health of others.

How are risk behaviors associated with consequences?

Risk behaviors can lead to negative consequences such as injury, illness, legal repercussions, or social problems. Engaging in risky behaviors increases the likelihood of experiencing these undesirable outcomes, which can have long-lasting physical, emotional, and financial impacts on individuals. It is important to be mindful of the potential consequences before engaging in risky behaviors.

What are behaviors that increase your susceptibility to negative health outcomes called?

Risk behaviors smoking and eating meat

How is risk behaviors associated with consequences?

Risk behaviors put a person in danger of suffering consequences. For example, eating a diet high in processed sugar can lead to diabetes.

What are examples of healthful habits?

eat a balanced diet, excercise on a regular basis, get enough sleep.

What are the risk behaviors for myofibralgia?

over chewing food and teeth grinding