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It is a organelle. An organelle of plant cells.

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Q: What are chroloplasts and where are they located?
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What structures are found in an animal cell but not in an plant cell?

Cell wall and chroloplasts

What two structure are found in plant cell but not in an animal?

Cell wall and chroloplasts

What are the flattened membranes chroloplasts called?

They are called granna. Membranes are called thylakoid.

What would happen to a tree if suddenly all of its cells turned into animal cells?

well the chroloplasts keep the cell green which also make the food. so if the chroloplasts die or "disappear" the plant would die of hunger.

What structure are found in plant cell not found in animal cell?

Cell wall and chroloplasts

What two structures are found in an animal cell but not in plant cell?

Cell wall and chroloplasts

Do plant cells have a chlorolplast?

yes they hav . chrolo means green pigment and plants are green bcoz of chroloplasts.

What would happen to a plant cell that suddenly lost its chorloplasts?

well the chroloplasts keep the cell green which also make the food. so if the chroloplasts die or "disappear" the plant would die of hunger.

What are the organ's in a plant water transport system?

the chroloplasts and the cyptoplasmns and the scrutium

What does chroloplasts mean?

A chloroplast is the part of a plant where photosynthesistakes part.Photosynthesis is, in basic terms, the process a plant used to turn sunlight into food.Just a bit of trivia: Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, this is the substance that makes leaves green.Hope this helps!

How does energy into an ecosystem?

Virtually all energy in most ecosystems enters via sunlight. Sunlight can be "harvested" by chroloplasts(thanks to molecules known as chlorophyll) found mostly in plants, algae and cyanobacteria. Chloroplasts store part of the energy provided by the sun in the form of chemical bonds, effectively making that energy "part" of the ecosystem.

What is the preposition followed by located?

Some of the prepositions that can follow the verb 'located' are:located about...located above...located across...located after...located against...located along...located among...located around...located at...located behind...located below...located beneath...located beside...located between...located by...located in...located inside...located near...located off...located on...located opposite...located outside...located past...located through...located toward...located under...located with...located within...