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Carbon nanotubes are cylindrical shaped tubes made up of long carbon chains of the thickness of 1 billion of a meter. Their length can expand to as much as several centimetes. The physical properties of carbon nanotube such as about 60 times stronger than steel makes them ideal material in the various field. applications still under research but have wide applications in electrical components ,robotics, mechanical engg etc.

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Q: What are carbon nanotubes and their applications?
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What is the chemical formula for carbon nanotubes?

Carbon remain carbon.

Which form of carbon is ductile?

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What element has a macromolecular structure similar to carbon?

Carbon nanotubes

Who invented nanotube?

Although there are numerous instances of people observing carbon nanotubes, most literature credits Sumio Iijima as the discoverer of carbon nanotubes.

What is the structure of nanotubes?

the structure of nanotubes are carbon atoms joint together covalently to form a long tube.

Is carbon nanotubes a type of paper?

No. Paper is cellulose, a carbohydrate usually derived from plant material. Carbon nanotubes are a variant of pure carbon that are used in a variety of high-strength materials.

Which metals is used in paper batteries?

carbon nanotubes

Which are the physical properties of carbon nanotubes?

Strength:Carbon nanotubes are the strongest and stiffest materials yet discovered in terms of tensile strength and elastic modulus respectively.Hardness:Standard single-walled carbon nanotubes can withstand a pressure up to 25 GPa without deformation.

Can carbon nanotubes be used to make bullet proof armor?

This technology is being explored as an option for body armor, but there are no body armor products using carbon nanotubes as yet.

Why carbon nanotubes should purified?

Because nobody wants an unpure carbon nanotube

Which allotrope of carbon is used in superconductor?

Not used today but possible in the future: - carbon nanotubes - doped carbon as CaC6

What does the atomic structure of carbon form?

Carbon can form diamond, graphite, amorphous carbon, nanotubes, fullerenes, etc.