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Q: What are Tightly packed cells with large numbers of choloroplasts?
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Why are mesophyll cells packed so tightly?

The upper leaf cells are tightly packed to trap the energy in sunlight.From: -Pearson Education,Inc.

Why are cells of the palisades layer packed so tightly together?

Packing palisade cells tightly together means that the maximum amount of light can be intercepted. If there are big gaps between the cells then more of the light hitting the leaf will just pass straight through. Tightly packed palisade cells is one way in which leaves are adapted for photosynthesis.

What is the most general characteristics of epithelial tissue?

Tightly packed cells

What do tightly packed fibers with elongated cells dispersed between them describe?

Dense Connective Tissue

How are the cell of a bread mold arranged?

The cells of bread mold are loosely arranged. This is the opposite of the cells of mushrooms which are packed tightly together.

Is a vascular tissue made up of tightly packed cells that make up the internal linings of some animals?

Endothelial cells form the vascular network but acquire very different characteristics depending on their location. In the brain, endothelial cells are tightly packed to provide the brain-blood barrier that protects the brain from blood toxins. In the endocrine gland, endothelial cells are leaky and cause fenestrations to allow hormone trafficking throughout the body. In general, how tightly packed vascular network cells are depends on which area they are located.

Why are the upper and lower epidermis layers made of tightly packed cells?

It helps prevent water loss

What are the jobs of tissue?

Epithelial tissues are sheets of tightly packed cells that line organs and body cavities.

Are choloroplasts not found in animal cells?

Correct. Animal cells do not contain chloroplasts.

What are the jobs of epithelial tissues?

Epithelial tissues are sheets of tightly packed cells that line organs and body cavities.

What tissue consists of tightly packed sheets of cells that are usually anchored on only one face of the tissue?


Why are the cells of the palisades layer packed so tightly togehter?

Packing palisade cells tightly together means that the maximum amount of light can be intercepted. If there are big gaps between the cells then more of the light hitting the leaf will just pass straight through.